Chapter 41: Telling The Truth

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Chapter 41: Telling the Truth


It was true, Johann did let the information slip to Viggo because a day or two after we left he attacked Berk searching for me. Astrid filled me in all the information which Stoick confirmed her with as she insisted that I rest until I felt better to move around, it wasn't just her instructions Gothi told her to say that to me when I woke up when we arrived and according to Astrid and the others she's pretty serious in her instructions and when not listened to she gets nasty with her staff. So for once I went with the instructions as I wasn't happy about the idea of getting hit with a staff. I couldn't blame her for giving the instructions because my ribs ached like there was no tomorrow, well that was back then now that I've rested the pain has begun to die down and I think they've slowly started to heal as is my throat. The ointment my mom had been handed to Astrid I found out so when needed she used it and the more it's been used the quicker my throat has started to heal and the bruising is disappearing. I appreciated it because now I could talk normally and it was great. The others had been planning something while I'd been stuck in bed lately I could tell because whenever they came to visit they all seemed quite flustered with themselves and they would avoid some subjects I would ask about. I felt better than I was a few days ago since the accident so I've decided to depart from my hut and walk around again. I didn't care what Astrid thought about these circumstances I needed to get out and about otherwise I was going to lose my mind completely.

I slid out from the bed removing the covers gently placing them back down on the bed before walking past a sleeping Toothless down the steps and out of the hut into fresh daylight. I was careful when I walked placing a hand round my ribs to support them as they ached slightly still but it was dying down. I let the breeze of the wind brush against my skin delicately and I took in the sun's warmth as it hit against my skin; I took it all in as if I hadn't seen it for months just before I felt a small nudge on my hand. I looked down to see a droopy Toothless yawning after just waking up, I smiled down at him as he shared one back at me and we both headed up to the burning light set inside the clubhouse. Toothless stayed by my side all the way not letting an inch tear us apart. I rested my hand against his head as double support on our way there as I needed it; when we reached the clubhouse I could see Astrid's hand placed evenly apart on a map with the others separated around across the room with their arms crossed "It's fully guarded, with numerous dragons caged however they must be hiding the bigger dragons somewhere else, but the place is still heavily guarded so there's no way in our out of the facility," Astrid was explaining to the group as everyone was considering their options "Maybe you need a distraction," all heads piped up when they heard my voice in the room "Hiccup, you're out of bed. Are you feeling better?" Heather asked kindly before Astrid could even object and I'm sure I could see Astrid seem put out from her efforts. I nodded at Heather and walked closer to the map Astrid was looking at. I recognised it clearly from when Fishlegs asked me about the dragon trades and auctions as he wanted to know the whereabouts. "This is Viggo's dragon auction, just south of the coastline a few islands away," I demonstrated how I knew the place, Fishlegs seemed pleased at my intelligence while everyone else looked at me wide eyed but shook their heads thinking nothing of it.

"Hiccup's right, we need a distraction. I think maybe we need someone to get close to Viggo but it has to be someone he wouldn't suspect because he hasn't seem them up close," all our eyes went and landed on Snotlout but as my eyes moved towards him they scanned past a figure whose eyes were directed onto me and I stopped midway to see him standing there, Johann. His eyes were widened when he saw me and they soon formed into an evident glare only I could see making a shiver race through my spine. His glare deepened in on me making me completely uncomfortable as he understood I was on Berk so seeing me here obviously threw him off guard and defeated because he failed in acquiring me to Viggo. Before anyone could pay attention to us both our eyes landed on a Snotlout messing around with Hookfang doing disgusting things I would never do and everyone groaned in the room "You have got to be kidding me," Heather moaned but Astrid argued back "He's the only one Viggo doesn't know," with Fishlegs finishing it off "He's the only one clueless enough to actually pull it off," I couldn't say I knew Snotlout exceptionally well but the way he was asking and the way they were describing him right now made him seem perfect for the cut. "Sounds like a real winner right Hookfang, I'd hate to be seen caught dead with that guy...wait what?!" he stopped and realised everyone was talking about him. He didn't seem extremely put out by it but he did seem quite offended at everyone's words. However, my focus was based on Johann as he made his way to Astrid "I hate to be bearer of bad news Miss Astrid, but unless your hiding a pile of gold underneath your tunic you won't see the dragons much less bid on them," he was being crafty I could tell there was something off about what he was saying I could tell as if he were up to something.

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