Chapter 27: Please Make Me Remember

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Chapter 27: Please Make Me Remember


As the sun beamed onto the Edge the next morning I made my way out into the sun's heat. I stood outside for a few seconds letting my body take in that heat and take in that feeling of freedom, I found that it was something that I didn't acknowledge or appreciate as much as I thought I would since I'd come away from the Grimborn compound. With a smile plastering on my face and Toothless by my side, we both made our way up to the clubhouse to meet everyone for breakfast. As we both trekked up over towards it the sound coming from inside was quiet...well at least too quiet in my opinion. Entering inside I found that the only people sat there were Heather, Fishlegs and Tuffnut which stroke me as odd because I'd never seen Tuff without his sister Ruff. That's when scanned the room to see no Snotlout or Astrid either. I went and took my place next to Heather as she handed me over a bowl of breakfast "Where is everyone this morning?" I questioned the silence in the room "They had something to do this morning, they should be back probably late afternoon all depends on how long their job takes," Heather wouldn't give me the specifics of the job and I didn't question it because it was none of my business but everything here just seemed strangely off.

I started to eat my breakfast and let the matter drop completely but in doing so it left a deafening silence throughout the room. You would usually find Tuff messing around with Ruff but considering that she wasn't here he looked more bored than ever. In a way I felt sorry for him because he looked way too depressed. I shook my head at the scene until my mind scanned the maps which lay out on front of Fishlegs. "What you got there Fishlegs?" he looked up from the papers and met eye contact with me "These are just the maps which indicate where Viggo may hold his next dragon auction," at the sound of his name I felt a cold shiver race down my spine but at the same time the contrast of the fire boiling within my blood. I didn't like it but then I didn't like the idea of another dragon auction sell as well. I'd been at too many to last me a lifetime when I was with them and it wasn't a great thing to watch. It was always held far away from the base and he knew that watching it tortured me the most so he stated he'd give me the best seat in house. I watched each and every dragon be auctioned off to some nasty and horrible Vikings; the things I would watch those Vikings do them afterwards to get them to obey...I couldn't erase it from my mind and I didn't ever like talking about it.

"Hiccup, we weren't going to ask you considering-," but I cut Fishlegs off "Considering circumstances with them. Its fine Fishlegs, I can handle it what is it that you wanna know?" he hesitated slightly before he decided to speak again because it showed that he still wasn't sure if he should let me help – at least that was the message I was gathering from this. "Well we understand, obviously because you were with them, that you may have been able to have an idea about where and how they are held which could give us an advantage to stop them from happening." I nodded at him and indicated for him to hand over the maps which contained the information. I took the charcoal from his hands and crossed out the destinations I remember going to which only left about three destinations left and handed the map back over to Fishlegs "He made sure the auctions moved around so that he wouldn't be attacked easily in the same place. I remember those destinations clearly so he won't go back there. There are three places left that he will go to for this year and it's those. Now it's just a bet on which one he will go to next." Fishlegs smiled at me warmly without trying to show same sadness that he felt; I exchanged one back but suddenly felt a wound open back up and so decided to leave.

As much as I didn't want it to get to me from my time there, but I had to admit it still did and it hurt deeply and I wanted it to just disappear. I wanted something better; I wanted a family that didn't treat me like a complete useless piece of yak dung. I didn't understand why I had a family that would treat me as so and it hurt and I wanted something better, I wished for something better but I knew that wasn't possible. Nobody gets what they wish for because it's not the world we live in. I ended back in my hut and found my weight crash back down on the bed with my hands clutching the pillow as tightly as I could. I felt a nudge at my side as I twisted my head round to see Toothless cooing at me. I smiled slightly at him as I sat up and he wrapped his tail around the both of us and I cradled myself into him slightly. He knew how I was feeling and he knew that there was nothing that he could do to take the pain away; I think that's what devastated him the most. I felt small warm tears fall down my face the more and more I would think about the memories but I just couldn't seem to get them out of my head. Eventually I felt my eyes drift me off back to sleep.

"It's okay you have nothing to be afraid of, I'm not gonna hurt you. That's not my intention I swear to you," his voice calm and reassuring. "I want my daddy," I felt my voice cry as the tears fell down my face "Daddy isn't coming back Hiccup, I'm sorry," I looked up at the man sat in front of me, I felt my eyes pleading but when I looked back this man he seemed full of sorrow. He took hold of my small palms resting them within his own callused hands that felt rough like sandstone. "I'm going to be taking care of you from now on okay, along with one of my families great friend Aryan," I looked over to the man that entered the room he had these sapphire eyes with jet black hair who also took a seat next to me "Nice to meet you Hiccup, I'm Aryan," his voice was soft and loving and he seemed much younger than the man that stood in front of me. "I assure you Hiccup, you have nothing to be afraid of," but I felt my eyes wander over to the door, I saw this boy poke his head around the corner, he seemed to have chestnut brown eyes like the other guy in front of me, he also seemed to have dark auburn hair, but his gaze was fixated on me and it was full of hatred and despair; this who I knew now to be Viggo.

Instead of the scene changing the exact same one as last time, I found I was sat on a bed with the man in front of me. I looked as if I was around the age of seven or eight and that's when it struck me, this was the age I was when everything started to fall apart and I feared what I might see. Was I going to be reliving the events of Aryan and Ashley's unborn child? Though I came back to the scene before me to be face to face with the man who is the father of the Grimborns and supposedly to be mine as well – at least that was what I came to learn until this moment in time. "Hiccup, remember when you came here. You were very young, four years old if you remember." I found myself nodding slowly at the man as his eyes clashed with mine, they were welcoming and sincere the eyes of someone I knew I could trust and believe. The nod however didn't seem positive; it didn't seem like I knew what he was talking about. "What do you mean I was brought here, I don't understand?" The man in front of me started to shake his head with the sorrow transitioning through the whole of his body.

"It was a wrong thing for me to do Hiccup and I thought I was doing the right thing but time is running out. You were only four years old and I saw a chance and I took it. You aren't my child Hiccup, you never were." I felt my eyes expand as my younger self felt shocked at the news. He took his hands on mine and carried on talking "You came from another island, the island we've had trouble and war with for many years over the opinions of dragons. But from time I saw a way of life I never thought I would, a life that could be lived with dragons in harmony so I wanted to make a truce with the tribe we've had war with. The only trouble I found was the Chief would never listen to me. So I took a chance and took their son...that was you Hiccup. I thought that if you could see the way that we live you would be able to make that truce between us. However, I fear that it won't work the way I planned it to, something is happening, something I fear that I cannot stop. So one day I hope that you can forgive me."

And I woke. What just happened? What did I just witness before my eyes? Don't tell me it was a wish coming true because wishes don't come true it just isn't possible. Is it true? Do I have another family, a real family that was ripped away from me when I was only four years old? I can't believe this, I want to believe this but I can't because how can 14 years of my life be ripped away from me from a family which I could have had, a life which could have had meaning. No it's all been ripped and the sad part in all of this is that I don't even though who my real family is. Will I ever know?

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