Chapter 51: It's The Heart You Can't Lose

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Chapter 51: It's The Heart You Can't Lose


Stoick wasn't pleased about hearing the news from Hiccup, but you have to ask yourself would you be pleased hearing something like that? He ordered everything that someone owned from Johann to be chucked into a pile at the centre of the village and within a blink he made sure Skullcrusher blew it to pieces before anyone could complain. That left us having to choose a new trader for a few days until Stoick was convinced we found the right one. I felt sorry for him in so many ways because when he thought he'd had a friend for years in actual fact he was tormenting him because he knew where his son had been all that time and said no word. Instead he's been planning something dark and deeper with Viggo all along and only Hiccup knows what it is. Everything in this world at the moment is just falling apart and it's only a matter of time for something to happen again. Over the past few days however, as Hiccup has been recovering from his back injury he insisted at the same time I carry on teaching him a few fighting techniques. He's getting better at it which I'm quite surprised about because he's caught on so quickly it's impressed me but at the same time it almost makes me jealous as he's getting too good almost better than me.

The feelings I have around him lately just keep heightening and it's annoying me because I can't tell him how I feel because everything is new to him and he needs to settle in so if I immediately pounce on him saying 'oh hey, yea well you see I kind of have feelings for you' then that would be- that's when I stopped thinking what I was thinking. I have never said that out loud before even if it is just in my head. The butterflies now took flight out of my stomach and took to the air never to be seen again as I finally admitted what I've been feeling for so long. That doesn't mean anything, I still can't say anything to him because it's like I said everything is new to him. I was in the training arena at the moment practising some tricks with Stormfly when I saw Hiccup walking alone around the area. His head was lowered and his hand was scratching through his hair so he could reach his scalp. Even though his head was lowered I could still see the lost look within his eyes especially as he paced back and forth. I decided to walk up to him and see if he were okay. I steadied my pace as I walked up to him, my steps were loud and hollow so hopefully he'd be able to hear me coming without freaking out but I was proven wrong "Hey Hiccup is everything alright?" immediately he jumped at the sight of me stumbling backwards but I suddenly caught him so he wouldn't topple over. He twisted his hand through mine to keep balance and looked back at me with a flow inside his emerald eyes but as he looked at me I couldn't help but get lost in his eyes and for a moment the pair of us just stared at each other for a long moment.

I coughed a little removing my gaze away from his before anything weird happened between us but I couldn't deny the bright blush that appeared on my cheeks. I quickly removed it so I could look back at Hiccup as I watched him doing the exact same thing "So, you okay?" he returned running his hand through his hair wanting to nod I noticed but he held it back suggesting he wasn't okay "Want to talk about it?" I asked him, I gestured to a seat at the edge of the cliff in front of us which we walked to as he began talking "I can't fit in here, everything is so different and everyone just stares at me weirdly," I sighed heavily as we both took a seat staring out into the setting sunset before us "Astrid, do you ever feel like misfit, everything inside you is dark and twisted. Or do you ever feel like an outcast?" my eyes widened in shock at his words so I looked at him while he looked back at me lost and alone. I placed my hand on his shoulder so he could feel my reassurance pass through him and when I was sure he locked eye contact with me I decided to speak "You don't have to fit into the format because, it's okay to be different cause Hiccup so am I," his eyes ignited at my words while I carried on with what I had to say "There is nothing dark and twisted inside of you, you just returned from a dark and twisted place that's all but that doesn't make you anything like them. You're different but that's a good thing as well as bad Hiccup and if no one can accept that you're different then screw them. Just be who you are and be proud because you owe that to yourself."

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