Chapter 19: Ones Help To Earn Trust

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Chapter 19: Ones Help to Earn Trust


As we all began walking down to Hiccup's all I could hear was the pounding of my heart, matching each and every one of my footsteps, leaping out of my chest. I think it was nerves, it just had to be, I still wanted to believe the good side of all this, believe that he was good and that he wasn't what we all thought he was deep at the back of our minds. Yet something still told me that this was right, that I should trust the dark pit at the back of my head and in my stomach instead of pushing it to the side all the time. With my distraction in my thoughts, it wasn't until Heather nudged me to find I was standing at the door of his hut, just staring. I couldn't bring myself to knock on the door who knows what would happen. For crying out loud Astrid get a grip on yourself, nothing bad is going to happen. You are gonna walk in there and find that everything you've thought about is nonsense and he is just as normal as you are. Yea...that's exactly what's gonna happen. So gradually, I began to raise my hand up to the door and I knocked. But as we didn't get a reply I pushed the door open slightly only to watch it slide open by itself.

I looked to the others who just shrugged at each other just as the twins decided to push me into the hut. I stumbled slightly, turning round to glare at them with them giving me this sudden fake yet genuine smile. I shook my head and walked further into the room "Hiccup can we talk?" though I stopped where I stood because as soon as we all caught eyes on the boy he seemed distracted, nervous, unsure or possibly even scared slightly. Was he looking for something? "Are you okay?" I asked him raising my concern for him; I could tell by the look he was giving me that my eyes showed the idea of urgency and from that; I could tell that my voice did too. Then his gaze diverted away from me ever so slowly, leading down to the object which lay in my hand, the Dragon Eye. That's when I knew, this identified he was looking for this during his search when we entered. So I got straight too it "Hiccup where did you get this?"

No reply. He stood there, frozen in his spot with no word or breath escaping his lips. Was this it? Was this the definition to his betrayal, we'd caught him out and he didn't know how to handle the defeat. , please this is serious, we need to know where you got this?" but there was still no reply from him. This was it, my actual fears were being realised, and from the look in his eyes, I could no longer see the light and trust which used to be inside was as if they had been shadowed over. At this point, I did feel betrayed. "I told you, he works for Viggo and that's all that matters now can we get rid of him," I looked over at Snotlout glaring at he took over the conversation. What he was doing, was not helping me with the situation right now. I needed to look away from Snotlout, it wasn't that I needed to actually; it was more that I wanted to because I wanted my eyes to be locked onto Hiccup's. I knew there was something beneath the surface going on here, but I had to believe what was right in front of me. I could also see a slight sadness in his eyes but to me at the same time it was duplicity.

"Uh yea Snotlout that sounds like a great idea, we could do that or we could attack the Viggo's ships which are coming are coming our way," I felt my eyes open at Tuff's word of choice and with immediate reaction everyone ran out the room to their dragons without a second thought except me. I stood there frozen just like he was. We met each other's gaze for a small second or at least longer, now I was feeling lost and all I could think about was did he feel the same as me? But I couldn't, I couldn't stand there and look at him not with what could possibly be the truth. So I left. Without a second glance behind me, I jumped on Stormfly's back and headed towards Viggo's ships out in the distance and started attacking. But with each attack, with each ship that lit up into flames more would just appear from out of nowhere. I wasn't sure how we were going to drive them all away, at least not on our own.

At the exact moment it was heard, a screeching siren coming from the distance. My head swivelled round and out of the sky come soaring through the wind was a NightFury. It headed towards the ships with no fear aiming ready to fire, and it did and once again another ship was lit up in flames. Until he stopped in his tracks, we all looked in his direction as did he ours, we no longer had this desperation look upon our faces but in its place we all shared a smile of gratitude towards him. As everyone went to carry on, déjà vu began to hit once more, we gazed into each other's eyes once more. His reassuring look towards sent a glimmer hope into me and in some weird washed all the bad thoughts I had about him before away and put a new kind of feeling in its place which I couldn't put my finger on. All I could so was smile at him, which made me feel warmer inside than feeling cold like earlier.

But I knew that I had to get away from these feeling and help the others, so that's what I did and I watched from the corner of my eye that he did the same. The help that gave to us the quicker and easier it became for the ships decision to depart the island. "Yea that's right, run away, Snotlout told them a thing a two about messing with this island," Snotlout started punching the air in victory looking like a complete idiot, though I will admit it was very funny to watch. But that was when I saw it, "Uh guys!" I called out to them, once I knew all their attention was on me, I pointed down to the remaining ship which lay near our island. Without a second or first opinion about it everyone descended rapidly towards the enemy until I halted everyone back, although I didn't see the need to do so as most of them did it themselves and it showed we were all gazing upon the same figure or should I say figures which lay upon the deck. "Is that Hiccup with Viggo?" Ruff pointed out the obvious to us all from the sky "I...I think it is," Fishlegs replied almost stuttering "Traitor!" Snotlout screamed in frustration punching the sky once again, was that his favourite move or something?

"No guys wait, look!" I screamed back at them all; I watched as he was pulled up from the furiously from the deck, he struggled against Ryker's grasp as he made his appearance known on the ship. They made sure that he was pulled terribly away; I could hear the cries from Toothless from all the way up here while Hiccup struggled so badly in the hands of the hunters to get back to him. With the sudden punch to the stomach from Ryker, I watched as Hiccup's body went limb and he faded in and out of consciousness. Immediately, with the view in front of my, I soared into it with the others following my lead. I went straight for him, I couldn't hold back; Stormfly fired her spines right towards them followed by her magnesium blaze as the others went to rescue Toothless. I cared for Toothless, I really did but right now my sole focus was on Hiccup, I needed him back by my side.

Stormfly alone was not enough as the hunters started to pile and block my way towards Viggo, Ryker and Hiccup. "Need some help," Snotlout came to my side and each of us started firing at hunters in turn, together just so we could reach him; just as all the men were down we raced towards the three ahead, suddenly Ryker held the blade against Hiccup's throat "If you come closer...well you know answer," he threatened just as Viggo smirked. "You guys suck at this," came from above which sounded just like Tuff's voice followed by the laughter of Ruff. Immediately after, before our eyes green gas enveloped our eyes as it circled around the three in front of us followed by its spark of explosion. Hiccup fell to the deck from Ryker's hands as he fussed with the gas in his eyes, I rushed towards him holding him in my arms just as Stormfly put me back on her back him cradled in my arms.

She lifted into the air shooting towards the Edge just as everyone finished off the ship.

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