Chapter 42: A Lost Cause

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Chapter 42: A Lost Cause


"Hiccup you are not coming with us, you understand me! Anything could happen while we're there and we can't have you getting hurt or lost!" Astrid kept arguing with me about whether or not I was coming on this mission. It fuming hearing her words of not letting me go with them, just because its Viggo's domain doesn't mean I should be left behind feeling useless. Yes history with them has been difficult but I'm not being left behind with them thinking I can't handle myself or handle the situation and besides I know the auction trades better than any of them so in reality I'd be a liable asset to the group. "Astrid I'm coming okay! I'm not staying behind by myself doing nothing waiting for you to come back with a win or no win. Look I know what you're thinking and just because he's gonna be there doesn't mean anything's gonna happen to me and besides I know these auctions better than any of you, so I'm coming end of story," I argued back at her and made my way onto the ship with the others without another word while she groaned in frustration flying her hands up in the air finally giving up. "You know Astrid, he has a point with everything he knows we could be in and out without a blink," Fishlegs tried sticking up for me as soon as Astrid settled on the ship with us but she didn't say a word just kept a concerning eye on me the whole time until her gaze settled on Snotlout. On her trip to Berk with the twins, Snotlout and Fishlegs, she convinced my father to hand over Berks gold for the auction which Snotlout would use pretending to be some Chief or King of sorts to enter the auction without being suspected but apparently my father had one condition and that was to bring his trusty friend Gobber along. He didn't seem so bad, in fact he seemed quite friendly and when he arrived he told me all about his friendship with my father and the close connection he had with my family, it was quite distracting how he owned an interchangeable hand and how he was missing a leg so used a peg. I wanted to ask what happened to him but I didn't want to intrude on stories of his past as I don't know what could have happened it could be hard to talk about.

As we neared closer to the compound Gobber and Snotlout ventured off onto a separate ship which was brought along with us – Gobber controlled that one most of the way so it was only Snotlout we had to say goodbye to and we all prayed that he played his part effectively. The rest of us ventured on down below the ship commanded by Johann; as we went on down all the riders dragons were locked up in one of the cages Heather and I arranged earlier. Toothless wasn't part of the group as he'd give away the game so when Heather and I made the hatch down below we made it big enough so Toothless could fit down there with us. Toothless headed on down first, soon followed by me, Heather, Astrid, the twins and Fishlegs; Johann closed the hatch when he knew we were all down there safely before heading back up to the deck. We sat in silence waiting for what was going to happen and as soon as we felt the ship dock we waited for voices to appear up on deck and that's when I heard the deep booming voice of Ryker. I didn't let the shudders fall down my spine instead I composed myself to listen intently. The fear I've been feeling about the Grimborns was starting to evaporate and I felt that maybe I was getting stronger fighting the fear because as the booming voice spoke to Johann up on deck it didn't seem at all frightening or alarming instead it just sounded like an everyday voice coming from a stranger. Soon the second voice appeared and it turned out to be Viggo, a small shudder took play down my back but I didn't let it show because I knew there was nothing to be afraid of, just like I said to Astrid just because I was at his domain doesn't mean something is going to happen to me. Just the thought of Astrid here with me along with everyone else just proved my point, they've already made it clear that they don't want anything to happen to me so they won't let it and neither will I. The crash of footsteps soon made their way down to the bottom of the deck and we could all hear the Johann talking more loudly than before.

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