Chapter 46: Defender's Of The...What?

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Chapter 46: Defender's of the...What?


"Where is he?! Where is Hiccup?!" I barked the order at the two men stood before us; Viggo relaxed his posture but kept a strong and fierce demeanour towards me "My dear Astrid...that is exactly what I would like to know." Without knowing it I too relaxed my posture. The news didn't make sense to me but at the same time it did. If Hiccup were with Viggo and Ryker then he would still be here or better yet all three of them wouldn't be here. They would have got off the ship as fast as they could but they didn't instead two of them are right here in front of us. "Then who attacked this ship?" I immediately asked straight after my long strain of though "Well I might regard that question for the meantime as we must depart from said attacked ship," I raised an eyebrow at Viggo's demand mostly as I didn't want to be demanded by such a man, that is if I could call him that, but he did have a point. The ship was now sinking faster than it had done before as it began taking on more weight. I scoffed at the two in front of me but I understood we couldn't just leave them there. I jumped on Toothless then looked round to the twins and Snotlout directing my head towards the two barbarians. Snotlout's head automatically shook and a glare was formed on his face as without any words he understood what I was saying but it didn't compare to the glare he received back from me. I wasn't in the mood for messing around, arguing or any games, we'd get those two off the sinking ship dup them on an island, get some answers out of them and then hooray we'll be on our way while they are stuck stranded.

I didn't have to say anymore with my lips or my eyes because Snotlout communicated to the twins as they are just too dumb sometimes to understand communication skills. Each of them picked the two barbarians off the ground as we all travelled to the closest island we could find. As soon as one came into the clearing we all landed but it was great to see the rough landed Viggo and Ryker took to the sand. Each one of them was released from the dragon's claws immediately but it didn't stop there, the twins and Snotlout made sure that Hookfang, Barf and Belch chucked the two of the across the beach so that their bodies stumbled through the sand creating a huge deep sand line where their bodies crossed. The three of them jumped off the dragons laughing as loud as they possibly could as we stared down at the two men staggering to pick themselves up off the ground. Each was now covered in sand from head to toe and the certain expressions on their faces differed from one another. Ryker pulled out his two swords ready aiming for a fight whereas Viggo just remained calm as ever speaking "I'm glad you've still got humour intact but now we'll be on our way, Ryker," he looked to his brother pushing the swords down "We have more pressing matters to attend to other than you dragon riders," just as he began to walk away I stepped forwards and spoke back across the distance between us "Matters such as Hiccup?" Viggo stopped in tracks smoothly and twisted his body back round to face us with a small smile on his face.

"You'd better hope that you find him quicker than we do dear Astrid because from the looks of things he means a great deal to," I shook my head at him disgusted at the thoughts which were possibly running through his brain right now as well as my own. All the horrible things that could go wrong, all the horrible things he had planned for Hiccup I couldn't let come true, I couldn't let him be sent back there not after all he did to try and escape. "Something tells me you already know where he is and who took him which is why you were so quick to get us of that sinking ship and depart away from us as quick as you possibly could," the smug look to represent Viggo came back into play as he smirked in my direction slightly "I have no idea what you're on about dear Astrid but I'll make you a deal," I raised an eyebrow at him as he waltzed over in our direction closing the distance between us. Out from his pocket he revealed a map; he laid it out neatly down in the sand and knelt down next to it becoming me to reach down to the same level. I do so with caution and watched as he drew a straight line, well the best straight line he could with the sand, across the map before looking up at me "If you stay above this red line and we stay below the red line you can save every dragon. I won't touch them but as well as that I will leave Hiccup unharmed," my eyes ignited by the sound of his name and I had to look deep inside Viggo's eyes just to see if was telling me the truth.

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