Chapter 18: Explanation Put On Hold

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Chapter 18: Explanation Put on Hold


I felt bad for Astrid; I'd been taking over her quarters on this island for how long the time I've actually been here for. I walked around the island for some time with Toothless when I felt better with myself and whereabouts. I'd analysed everyone's hut and took in account what they might have used to build all it themselves and it made me think; I think it would be easier, possibly better if I had my own. So the next task I knew that I'd have to do is to actually find a spot which would be good for me to build a hut for myself. I was walking round near the clubhouse when I saw a spot, it seemed pretty empty and it had me wondering why it hadn't been filled by one of the other riders. I let it shrug off my shoulders and decided to ask Astrid if that was okay if I could build one for myself. Surprisingly, she seemed okay with it but at the same time also tried convincing me that it was okay and that I should stay in her hut. In the end, I won and she let me build my own. It felt better to have my own place after I had built it because; I finally didn't feel so much intrusive as I did before.

Astrid's friends seemed really nice, I got along mostly with Fishlegs possibly because we shared the same views as each other on dragons, as well as learning new things about them. The twins were also pretty great to hang out with as well, of course that's when they don't fight or try and blow stuff up. I couldn't say the same for Snotlout though; he always gives me these looks as if he's got a problem with me. I've tried having conversations with him, but I just can't get anywhere with them, probably because he doesn't actually put any efforts into it. There isn't much point in trying to get somewhere with him because I'm pretty sure he won't let me in and I didn't want to waste my time with him. I'm sat in my hut at the moment with Toothless at my side; his tail is wrapped around his body followed by his head buried within his paws sleeping peacefully. I couldn't help but smile at him as I diverted my gaze away from the book of dragons which Fishlegs kindly gave to me. It was the first time I and Toothless actually felt like we belonged somewhere after all the hell that we both went through. Sure he lost a tail and I lost a foot, but that didn't matter to us anymore, as long as we had each other in a place where we were actually accepted, the pain no longer mattered. So seeing him the way that he does right now, actually let my heart light up.

I let my eyes look back upon the book to find out more about the dragons. I found benefits out of all this, Viggo knows so much about dragons which are why he can do what he does, so I believe its best that I do the same. The book was helpful I will admit it but with every page I turned, it didn't identify the dragons I saw at the Viggo's base so I felt a bit cheated. That's when it hit me, the Dragon Eye; Viggo used that thing to know everything he knows, as did his father so why wasn't I doing the same. I jumped out of bed slowly immediately heading downstairs and started hunting through all the satchels which Aryan and Ashley gave me. Just the thought of theme in my brain put a slight pit in my stomach because, they were like family to me, the first might I add and the thought of me leaving them and never actually having a chance to see them actually kind of hurt. It needed to be erased from my brain and I needed to find that Dragon Eye. No matter how my times I would check each of the satchels, I couldn't find it anywhere. I was pretty sure that Aryan and I got it, and Ashley put in one of where was it?

"Hiccup, can we talk to you?" I stopped in my tracks as I heard this sweet angelic voice call from across the room but at the same time, it had a sense of urgency to it. I looked over to see her but instead of just Astrid; everyone was stood there "Are you okay?" I must have had look of concern on my face otherwise she wouldn't have asked the question. Yet that's when I saw it, in her hand; she was holding the Dragon Eye...but how did she get it? My eyes hand wandered down towards just as everyone else had done. I felt my body drop; I lost tension and felt completely lost once again. "Hiccup, where did you get this?" I didn't answer instead just stood there. What was I to say? Tell them the truth but with all the piercing eyes on me I felt lost and put on the spot and that's when I knew I didn't want to tell them. "Hiccup, please this is serious, we need to know where you got this?" Still I gave no reply; I was frozen in my spot with my lips glued together tightly. "I told you, he works for Viggo and that's all that matters now can we get rid of him," I heard Snotlout's voice take over the situation.

But the name...Viggo; they know Viggo Grimborn and that was when all the pieces started. It was them, it was always them, she was the girl that I saw the last time we moved islands; they were the people who saved all those dragons. How did I miss that? "Uh yea Snotlout that sounds like a great idea, we could do that or we could attack the Viggo's ships which are coming are coming our way," I looked over at Tuff as did everyone else, each of us with our eyes wide open but their immediate action was to run out the door, on their dragons and attack, except Astrid. She stood there staring at me with a glum look in her eyes as if I had betrayed her some way before she too ran out to catch up with the others. I know how this all may look to them. They have obviously seen the Dragon Eye before, a kid turns up out of the blue with it and we both know where it came from, Viggo Grimborn himself, so of course that makes me look like I work with him. I would never do that in a million years but it would be hard to actually explain that to them now. Taking a deep breath followed by a heavy sigh and made the courageous decision; it was time that I left.

"Come on Toothless," I attached satchels again to his saddle, adding in all the belongings which Aryan and Ashley gave me the first time I left and let Toothless fly us away immediately afterwards. If Viggo was here and he knew that I was here then...oh my Thor too many thoughts just started to run through my brain and too hard to process it all at once. I couldn't go back there I just couldn't. I would do anything to make sure that I wouldn't go back there. But as soon as I hit the sky, I saw them all; I watched each and every one of them fights away the ships that were coming towards the island. They were trying really hard to get rid of them but what was left in my mind was their impression on me. I couldn't just leave without them knowing parts of who I really am because if I did, I would automatically give the impression that I was working for Viggo and some sort of cover would have been blown and I didn't want. "Toothless wait!" he abruptly stopped within the sky and we stayed their hovering for a few moments before I urged him to go back.

Satchel by satchel, I'd take them off his saddle before quickly getting back on and heading towards where the others were still fighting. This was probably the most insane thing I was about to do, but I had to help them, no, I wanted to help them it was the best thing I could do. Toothless knew exactly what I wanted to do because as soon as we got closer to the ships, he clapped his wings far behind himself and soared fast towards the ships firing a plasma blast sending the ships up in flames immediately. I looked back as Toothless flew away watching the fire look ablaze and I couldn't help but put a smile upon my face. I looked over at the others slightly, it was a quick glance before I looked away just as they did the same but as we all did so I could just about notice the expressions on their faces had changed, and I believe they did crack a few smiles at the sign of my help. Especially hers, her sapphire eyes glistened when she looked my way and her curved smile was beautiful in every single way, it didn't mean that she trusted me again completely, the same went for everyone, but it was a start. That I knew.

So I guess that was what happened until the ships were finally willing to retreat. It was great, I felt the adrenaline pulse through me through all of it, I'm sure it wasn't excitement, or maybe it was I wasn't entirely sure because of my pulse racing and the smile written across my face. At least I thought it was over, before the screech from Toothless pounded my ears and the sudden rush of wind slapping against my face was evident once again. I felt my body crash against the material of a harsh wooden deck and my head spin me dizzy. I shook my head and slowly looked up as the voice I heard was the voice I never wanted to hear again in my lifetime. "Well, well, well, what do we have here?" I finally looked up at them and into their eyes which sent the cold shiver back down through my spine, a feeling that I never missed since the feeling I ran away "We've been looking everywhere for you Hiccup," Viggo looked down upon me. 

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