Chapter 40: A Kind Heart

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Chapter 40: A Kind Heart


The cloudiness which enveloped my brain made me feel woozy as it tried piecing together a puzzle of the recent events. Yet the thing was, I didn't want the puzzle to be pieced together instead I just wanted to open my eyes and leave the blur so I could be back in the presence of reality and know she was okay. I had to know she was okay I couldn't live with the thought knowing she was harmed in some way because of me. The fogginess in front of me started to evaporate in front of me as I my brain registered what I wanted so I could feel myself being bought back to the present. I let my eyes begin to flutter open so the daylight could feel my eye sockets but as I opened them further it wasn't the daylight but in fact the crisp glow emitting from the fire beside me heating up my skin making me feel warm, safe and welcome. But the more I was starting to come back into reality the throbbing pain began to take affect around my neck. It felt incredibly numb as if it was clogged up with something preventing me from being able to talk or breathe properly; so I started to panic, my breath was shaking the best it could and my heart beat was drumming proudly in fear while my eyes expanded in fright as everything else started to flood back through. "Hiccup! Hiccup calm down. Just breathe, just take deep breaths Hiccup, calm down," I followed the instructions of the sweet angelic voice which was next to me and began taking deep and steady breaths until I could feel my heart drum back to a normal pace. I tilted my head to the side to see Astrid sat next to me with her hand neatly clasped through my own ushering me to calm down with her soft tone. She gazed down at me locking his eyes with my own; as she looked at me her eyes messaged reassurance and safety helping me to relax and breathe normally once more.

Her fringe fell neatly down against his face and her honey-blonde plait now lay neatly against her shoulder as her ocean eyes sparkled brightly down at me followed by a sweet and warm smile. She emitted this little glow around her and as I stared I thought I was looking up at an angel...I was completely mesmerised by her appearance, if anyone could see what I was seeing they'd believe they were dead because that was how I was feeling right now. "Are...are you...oh...okay?" I asked through a low croaky cough my voice was able to give off. Her eyes screwed together slightly as she seemed puzzled to my question; pushing away the bangs out of my face she smiled brighter down at me nodding her head as she did "I'm fine. How are you feeling?" her tone was subtle, calm and soft with the hint of sorrow written through it but I could tell she tried hiding her concern as she could tell I didn't like the fuss but right now it didn't matter to me, I needed her more than ever and I didn't care if I sounded needy. " hurts..." I slowly spoke through my muggy voice still releasing small coughs as I did; Astrid was shaking her head at me squeezing her hand protectively in my own "We found you at the Great Hall. After we brought you back here Gothi our healer, looked over you. She said some of your ribs were cracked and your throat will be sore for a couple of weeks. Hiccup who did this to you?" now she brought forward the concerning tone which I cherished deeply. I wanted to answer her, so intently but I couldn't do it because his words came flooding back through my brain. I couldn't let her get hurt; I didn't want her to get hurt because of me I wasn't going to let it happen. I shook my head at her as a reply keeping my mouth closed; she looked at me with sorrow nodding her head as she understood.

"Hiccup I'm so sorry, I should have stayed with you I shouldn't have left you like I did. This is all my fault," she lifted her hands burying her head inside them with small crack carried inside her voice as she identified the guilt she was feeling about the situation. I felt my head shaking at her, I lifted my hand and pulled her hands away from her face and tried telling the best I could through this hoarse voice "It's not *cough* fault...don't blame yourself," I wiped away a small tear which fell down her face. Seeing her like this plunged at my stomach because I didn't like seeing her upset it just wasn't Astrid. She's this strong warrior who seems to have a powerful demeanour to her which makes her Astrid. Watching the tears melt down her face meant she was breaking down her guard and she doesn't need to do that for me especially when this wasn't her fault. "I'll go tell Stoick and Valka you're awake," she finished; I nodded at her before she got up and left me by the fire alone. Her presence no longer being next to be made me feel so alone even if it was just for a few moments, I wanted her warmth back by my side and to never leave me. Something was terribly wrong with me, why was I feeling this way about her? It doesn't make any sense to me at all. Swiping me out of my thoughts I was suddenly bombarded with two huge diluted eyes staring in front of me. "Toothless!" I screamed at him as he shared his gummy smile with me; he nudged me lovingly with his nose before circling the bed with jumps before lying down at my side wrapping his tail around me protectively. "Thanks bud," he leaned in closer to me producing a lick across my face as I wrapped my arms his neck hugging deeply.

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