Chapter 50: Protection For The Unknown

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Chapter 50: Protection For The Unknown


"How do you know they even exist, Viggo?" I peeked round the corner to see Viggo and Ryker conspiring with each other but about what I was completely unsure but I knew I wanted to keep on watching. I stayed where I was hiding behind the corner, my gut kept yelling at me to not get caught by them so I made sure I was only peeking hiding my shadow away out from the light so the pair couldn't even gain a glimpse of me. "There were markings of it inside the dragon eye I saw it Ryker, that was before dad went and put a lock on it so I can't go snooping anymore," the growl to Viggo's voice was deafening but I was starting to get eager to know further what they were discussing about "Just use a Night Fury, I'm sure dad has one of those lying around otherwise you can at least find one and use it," a Night Fury why would they need one of those? "No it has to her kind, only with the Light Fury we'll be able to find the home of all dragons, only then will we be able to control all of dragon kind," I stumbled backwards suddenly hearing the news of what they've been planning all along. My breath was increasing rapidly as I didn't know what to do; all I knew is that I couldn't let this happen. If they found the home of all the dragons then they would probably destroy it, they would hurt millions of them or possibly worse, I couldn't let that happen I just couldn't. I stumbled back further getting caught up in my thoughts and emotions that I hadn't realised I stumbled over a set of weapons settled across the back wall.

I shook my head whispering to myself 'no' as each weapon toppled over in a domino effect each one crashing the floor. As my head would shake, I placed my hands against my mouth in shock my eyes squinting; I looked round slowly behind me to see Viggo and Ryker's head point up and look in my direction "Uh-oh," I whispered to myself and automatically split into a run just as they started coming after me. I knew the place like the back of my hand so I was on the run in every direction I could think of hoping they wouldn't catch up with me. I was running out of air, I knew that but I also knew I had to stop to catch it but if I did that then I would get caught by the two brothers and who knows what would happen if I landed in their clutches. A corner fluttered into view and I found my small secret hiding place I always used to hide when I used to play with Aryan and Viggo's father. I squeezed in quickly and sat down in the dark as far as I could and waited for the returning footsteps to hurry on by past me. They shouldn't know where I am, they never knew about this place it was my own secret refuge when I wanted to be alone so right now this was the best place for me to catch my breath. The rush of footsteps scurried on by blocking the light through the gap and there they stood muttering to one another on my whereabouts. My breath was increasing as they stood there, my heart beating rapidly outside of my chest right in front of my very eyes, my palms were sweating considerably but I had to place my hand against my mouth so they couldn't hear the increase of my fright.

"He must have gone this way," the growl to Viggo's tone was unsettling as he must have pointed in a direction away from my whereabouts as I heard the pair of them strut into a run once again. The light crept back into my hiding space once again letting me feel at ease. I stayed put for a while longer just so I knew that they were as far away as possible and there was no way for me to get caught before I slowly slid out back into the light. Thinking it was safe I carried on crawling out of my space but the sudden thrust to my neck and my weight colliding against the wall I choked in fright grabbing hold of the hand straining my breath supply. Right in front of me I was staring deep into the dark and desolate eyes of Ryker Grimborn with his brother at his side glaring fully at me. "Whatever you think you saw, whatever you think you heard forget it because if you speak any word of this to anyone then I will kill you myself," Viggo placed his words right next to my skin sending a chill down my spine before letting Ryker drop my weight down to the ground. My head crashed against the frozen concrete fixing my vision into an intense blur as I watched them walk away. My hands lightly touched the pain coursing through my neck before I faded out completely leaving me feeling helpless and alone.

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