Chapter 49: Friend Or Foe?

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Chapter 49: Friend or Foe?


Leia was right; there was enough room to fit all of us in the hut because it was huge. The only comfort to the dark surrounding the place was the crisp fire igniting in the centre of the room spreading warmth throughout the place. Hiccup immediately sat down clutching his chest delicately with suspicion; I knew he didn't want anyone to ask how he was feeling so no one did but none of us hid the sorrow written on our faces. It didn't stop me from sitting next to him either; the urges inside me telling me to never leave his side was taking affect and the pangs in my heart were aching seeing him in such a state. Gently my hand placed itself on his shoulder just as his head tilted to look at me; I let my eyes speak reassurance ad I knew it worked as he planted a small smile on his face. Immediately, without warning he rested his frame against me placing his head on my shoulder; there was no hesitation from me to wrap my arm around his shoulder and cradle him close against me. As I did so, he adjusted his position and cuddled into me resting his remaining hand on my lap, another sudden urge took over me and I let my hand rest on top of his. With instinct the pair of us let of fingers tinkle with each other before they settled on intertwining with one another. Before we knew it our hands were clasped together tightly and his frame relaxed against me while I rested my head lightly on top of his. My hand travelled gently up and down his arm as I tried soothing his heaving breathing; having him up against me made my heart flutter and the heat that's been kept inside for days was finally taking affect. The blush hit my cheeks and a small smile crept onto my face, I was relaxed in a memory I wouldn't ever forget.

As my hand traced its way up and down I could feel how small and fragile his frame was. I'd never paid much attention before but it was true, I couldn't gather the knowledge to how he's survived all this time but it made even more sense to why he hardly eats anything at the Edge his body is just too used to having nothing so his frame just keeps dwindling into nothing; accepting all the knowledge I didn't want to accept before started to make my heart shatter and the glass started forming inside my eyes. My hand would pull up his tunic slightly as it travelled upwards and each time I would see glances of deep purple bruises carved into his wrists. Anyone who glances at them would know they're painful but to Hiccup he didn't seem bothered by any of it, instead I felt he was more concerned about the pain everywhere else on his body or just finding a place of belonging and being with people who truly matter. Hearing his breathing was returning to a normal and steady pace I knew he was unperturbed, I knew he felt safe and in a way at home. "I'm sorry Astrid," I heard him mumble quietly only so I could hear him; my grip pulled him in tighter but tenderly at the same time so I wouldn't hurt him more than he already is "You have nothing to be sorry for," I whispered to him "But I'm such a disappointment to everyone, I thought...I thought everything was fine...I thought," but I stopped him and pulled him up to look at me.

Deep inside his eyes I knew there was a smile waiting to break free but right now I was discovering glassy emerald wanting to crack but I didn't want it to. "Hiccup stop, it will be fine maybe not straight away but it will get better you just need to believe that. I know it's hard and I'm not saying it will be easy but it will get better which I will help you through. I'm not letting you out of my sight ever again," a full smile never formed on his face but a small one did which I would accept; I wrapped my arms smoothly around him as he did the same back to me. Feeling his full frame, the glass in my eyes did crack and the tear fell delicately down my face and onto his tunic because I couldn't stand the torture Viggo put him through and he had to pay for it no matter the cost. "Hiccup, how did Viggo even know you were there? I swear we took every precaution to make sure that wouldn't happen," strangely enough it was Tuff who spoke. Everyone's heads diverted to look at him as he made his way over to us followed closely by the others. Hiccup sighed heavily against me as he already knew the answer we all longed to know; but that wasn't the thing that caught my eye, instead it was Heather gazing directly at Hiccup with a serious eye while Hiccup looked back at her nervously. "Tell them Hiccup," Heathers voice was hollow with almost shame was it, or was it guilt that she hadn't said anything herself.

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