Chapter 55: Lost All Hope

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Chapter 55: Lost All Hope


Everything felt dark, but mostly I felt alone. Everything that I once had I had now lost. I watched the only people I've ever loved crash into the ocean without the supplies to make it back out due to being surrounded by a net. It was as if they were easy prey to hunt, with me as some kind of bait. What was I thinking? Whatever made me believe Viggo would keep his word, I guess I'm just as stupid as I look and that stupidity cost me all the people I loved. My eyes opened slowly as everything around me felt blurred from the drug still leaving my system. I knew where I was so opening my eyes was painful because I didn't want to see the sight in front of me. However I was wrong, when opening my eyes there was only pitch black; I had no idea where I was until my mind travelled back to when this all began. From the moment I was ripped from Aryan from that day they chucked me in the deepest dungeon of the compound. The space was cramped and isolated with no centre of light filling the world so it only left the darkness as my only company. This was the situation I've been placed in once again; I should have seen it coming, what was I expecting to happen? Not something good because that doesn't happen in my life and it probably never will. If I think back on all the good times I have had then a storm erupts and ruins it because that's just how my reality works and it sucks.

I pushed my weakened body off the cold concrete settling back against the crooked stoned wall. Even though I wasn't able to see through the dark my senses were able to gather the surroundings I was in considering most of it would be pretty obvious. The sudden rush of images of what happened spiralled through my mind, it made me feel sick to my stomach watching it replay over and over again even though I knew there was nothing I could do to fix it, but it didn't matter because I let my mind keep reliving the moment wanting to find a way to turn back time and make sure it didn't happen. My legs curled up to my chest as I wrapped my arms around them clasping my hands together holding my body in close gathering as much warmth as possible but to also silently cry within myself. I knew I shouldn't cry but I've held the pain in for far too long now and I don't know if I can move forwards. Hours passed as I held the same position but breaking me out of my own solitude a crack in the door erupted far away from me, at least that's what it felt like, where a spring of light flooded the petite environment. My eyes squinted as I looked away from the blinding light until a bigger build figure stood in front of it. There was no shudder in my heart not like it used to when I saw him coming closer to me, now my heart was full of emptiness, it was hollow...I'd given up trying. "Get up," Ryker's command was rough and distant, I wasn't paying attention to what he was saying, my eye line fell straight in front of me without contacting him. It earned a slap to the face tilting my head down to the side so I now faced the ground. There I stayed, without an inch to move.

The next thing I knew I felt my weight thrown across the room, back colliding with the opposite wall from us but no scream erupted from my throat nothing happened. No entertainment was amusing Ryker, all you could hear was an aggressive growl form. His hand wrapped itself around my arm pulling my harshly off the ground. Manacles clasped around my wrists he thrusts me out the room slamming the door behind. Flashes of my childhood formed in my eyes as I witnessed déjà vu take effect. I walked back u the spiral staircase from the darkest dungeons while everything around me was cloudy. The hope inside me bit by bit was vanishing with every step I took because I didn't want to go on any longer not now when I knew the truth about everything and when my friends and family were all gone. What was the point in going on living? I'd lost the family I'd always longed for. I'd lost my best friend...Toothless, the guilt clenching inside my stomach painfully. I'd lost the girl I loved...Astrid, for the first and last time I'd admitted it to myself, I fell in love with her but she was gone. Ryker pushed me in front of him due to the slow pace I was taking from behind, when doing so my head lifted scanning the environment and there I saw him. Aryan; he looked at me in despair shock and regret inside his eyes and it seemed even too he had given up just as I had. When looking at him now, I could really see the resemblance to Leia and it made my heart sank because even she was gone.

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