Chapter 13: My Name Is Astrid

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Chapter 13: My Name Is Astrid


I felt myself twist in a whirl. I couldn't feel my body as well as I could before and everything was black however this black moved in and out of a blur. All I remember was being hit from the sky, my body whacked against tree upon tree before my body crashed to the ground. I could see Toothless in front of me, his green eyes showed his pain but he tried staying strong for me and trying to reach me before a figure. A figure I saw running in our direction; I could have sworn they had blonde hair, small in size with determination in their step but that was it because I was lost in the darkness. Now I could feel my eyes start to flicker trying to take in the light, I could smell wood, the burning embers of a fire, I could feel soft textures wrapped around my body a breath of repeated air touching my skin ever so slightly from someone breathing next to me so I decided to open my eyes. All around me I could see I was no longer outside nor was I on the ground. I seemed to be laying in someone's bed, I had furs wrapped around me which radiated heat into my body which felt nice, there was a fire on the other side of the room where the embers were slowly dying and there sat next to me sleeping so peacefully was my best friend. His tail was wrapped around him and his head was neatly rested against his hands. I couldn't help but smile.

I looked around the room one last time and clearly noticed there were weapons stacked up in the corner of the room, they varied from swords, bows, and spears but then on weapon shone the most, was an axe. Who's ever it was they most fancy that weapon more than the others because it was taken care of the most by the looks of it. Automatically, I decided to sit up in the bed but I seemed to pull to soon and quick because immediately I felt body slightly rip from my back making me clutch it slightly. I looked behind and noticed I couldn't see my back at all something just completely white. Confusingly, I lifted the furs that were wrapped around me and noticed underneath my tunic someone had bandaged each and every one of my scares. They were no longer visible, none on my wrists, none on my arms and none on my back. But who would have gone to all this trouble to just to help someone they don't know? "Be careful, you don't want those stitches to rip," I looked across the room to see someone standing in the doorway against the light. They slowly walked in through the door and took a seat next to me.

"My name is Astrid, I'm not gonna hurt you," I looked at her and she had these amazing sapphire azure eyes which sparkled against the light which came through the door; her hair was this cute honey-blonde colour with it neatly tied in a plait behind her back along with a fringe that fell down against her left eye. She wore this amazing smile that was genuine and meaningful and with just that one look at her I knew and understood that she was telling the truth to me. Behind her eyes I could see the sorrow she felt while looking upon me but when you came back to reality she tried putting on the strong effect but she must know that she doesn't have to do that. "Are you the one who bandaged...?" But I let my voice trail off as it sounded croaky and small but also I felt shy and not fully secure around her, not just yet. "I didn't but I my town healer to come and help you because I asked her to."

I couldn't understand why she would do that for me, she doesn't even know me. "Why? You don't know me," I pulled my legs up close to me and held onto them tight feeling slightly insecure with her looking upon my damaged body while her gaze wouldn't turn away from me "It was our fault that you fell from the sky, the least I could do was make sure you were okay when you woke up, but then I found the..." at that point she trailed off and looked away, probably to try and hide the tears that whelmed up through her eyes but, I could still see them even when she held them back while looking upon me again finishing her sentence "...When I found them I needed to do something, I wanted to because I couldn't let you feel pain, even though I don't know who you are, I just know that you don't deserve to suffer. Somewhere inside me tells me that at least and I always trust my gut," I couldn't help but release a small smile which she shared back at me, it made my body feel warm without being touched physically but this time emotionally.

Her gaze wandered off towards Toothless who was still sleeping peacefully next to me "He's really sweet," her angelic voice spoke once more breaking the silence between us, mostly because I didn't know what to say to her, "That's Toothless...he's my best friend," she looked back at me to look upon the genuine honesty to my face and by the look she gave she looked too deeply because she took hold of my hand "He must be very precious to you, because I watched the way he protected you against me before I made sure he could trust me, I don't know what happened to you but I'm glad he'll always have your back," I looked down upon Toothless and let my smile widen with Astrid's words flooding in through my brain and I couldn't imagine a world where he wasn't in it. I let my eyes wander back to Astrid with her still holding my hand "What's your name?" she asked me politely, "Hic...Hiccup," I said with a whisper, and her smile broadened "You put the curious in curiousness Hiccup. My chief would like to see you if that's okay, I promise you he's nice but it's his decision whether you can stay with us if you need to, but if it were up to me, I'd let you stay." With one last smile she left the hut without another word so I sat there alone with my best friend in silence thinking about the conversation we just had. She seemed like a really nice girl and I knew that I could trust her because she gave off that vibe especially her smile, every time she smiled I knew that it was genuine and won't forget how she was able to make me smile easily but as well as that, she helped me forget about life for a second and just live in the moment.

Sooner than later, I watched this big man walk into the room and took the seat which Astrid was just sat in. He had this long orange beard which fell far down in front of him and the ends were tied into small plaits, he had these big beady eyes which melted an emerald green, he wore a small smile just as Astrid did when she saw me but this time it kind of made me feel low as if I were in trouble. I was wrong. "My name is Stoick, Chief of Berk," he held out in his lightly for me to shake, I released my hand from under the furs slowly and steady but you could see that it was shaking and I whispered my name to him "It's nice to meet you Hic...Hiccup..." he slowed down saying my name, probably trying to take in the name I guess because it's very rare you'd call someone Hiccup. "Astrid has filled me with the conversation you had with her," I didn't really know where this was going, should I be afraid or not? "I just need to ask one question, did you come here for a purpose?" I knew this wasn't going to be good; I shook my head "No sir, I and Toothless were flying all night sir, we were tired and needed rest and we saw this island sir, we were going to leave in the morning sir," I held onto my legs even tighter than I had before because I felt like I was little boy again, back in that room being told off in the beaten fashion. But I looked up at the man as I felt his hand be placed on my shoulder delicately. "It' okay, Hiccup, I believe you. You seem like a good kid, you can stay here as long as you need," I nodded at him as he smiled upon me with belief.

With those final words he got up and left and finally my best friend decided to wake up "Hey bud..."

Hey guys! Where I have been? I'm so sorry that I haven't updated in over a month I think it's been, I've had so much work to do it's unbelievable but I'm here now with a new part so I hope you've enjoyed it and thank you too those people who have waited patiently for the new part I really appreciate it!

Run and HideTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon