Chapter 9: Once Chance Left

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Chapter 9: One Chance Left


I had spent at least two or three weeks with Aryan; I had healed quickly, Aryan had known that but I think he didn't wanted me to be going back to work just yet as well as heading back to that tower. I appreciated it but I knew that it couldn't last as did he. Aryan brought me back to the tower three days ago; he made sure that I had better conditions last time, making up pretty convincing reasons to Viggo. He left with me one of his furred blankets and one of his spare pillows but that was all Viggo would allow, but that didn't matter because that was all I needed. I could see the sadness within Aryan's eyes as he left that day, small tears had over-whelmed his azure eyes but he made sure that they didn't show, though I could tell that he was holding them back. I still had a guard standing outside the door 24/7 they would just shifts every now and again. It never bothered me anymore because now I had better conditions I was able to concentrate more on sleep than the disturbance beyond the door.

I stood by the barred window and watched a regular routine, it then traced across my mind, how were they able to find so many dragons at once. I couldn't bear to watch anymore, so I wandered over to my bed and sat there wrapping the furs around me as the winter's wind come soaring through. I thought hard about what I had seen over the years and how it all just reflected each other as it was the same day after day. The more I realised it, the more it made sense, I had always believed that I was locked up and hurt on command, but after that nightmare and after the discussions me and Aryan had I realised this wasn't the truth. Viggo's father he cared for me just like Aryan does, that's when I knew what I should really be focussing on, I need to focus on what I saw when I was with him and what he used to do. I led down and closed my eyes bringing back the memories from my childhood, the little fragments I could get my hands on.

I watched as a shining light hit the wall behind me, I crawled over towards it and looked up to see small diagrams and notations of things I'd never seen before. I swivelled around to look and see where this light was emerging from. There it laid the cylinder object, the object which had weird carvings, which had different combinations. "What's this?" I reached the object off the table above to begin messing around with it. "That Hiccup is the Dragon Eye, it helps us locate different species of dragon so we can analyse them and keep record," he took me in his arms as I carried on playing with the weird object.

I pulled back to reality because that's when it hit me I remember when we were leaving the recent island Viggo held in his grasp the same object as his father did. That answered everything, this was how Viggo was able to find a range of different dragons, but he wasn't using this Dragon Eye for good, he's using it to enslave the dragons and let them be sold and be used as slaves for other men. It made my blood boil inside. The tower door opened retracting me away from my thoughts as Viggo stood outside. I didn't wait for him to speak as he mouth opened but instead let the fur blanket fall from my shoulders and walked out the door myself. It wasn't a walk, or was more like a storm of rage as I didn't meet his gaze but didn't look down either. I followed the guards in front of me who took me to the forge where Ashley seemed to waiting for me. She wore a smile on her face at the sight of me but it soon changed to a frown with a raised eyebrow once she noticed the disgraced look on my face and the way my arms were crossed. Her lips mouthed at me "Are you okay?" I just shook my head.

Viggo took grab of my arms pulling them out of their locked position, probably looking to see if a weapon would come out from there but sadly he was disappointed because nothing fell. "You can leave now Viggo, me and Hiccup have work to do," Ashley demanded, I figured over time that Viggo had no interest in Ashley just as much as Aryan mostly because he couldn't control them both like his other commanders around him. He scoffed at her before making his exit fluent and professional. I looked over at Ashley as she indicated me over; I did willingly and stood in front of her "What's wrong? I know that look," her emerald eyes searched my face thoroughly as I stared at her focused and precise "He's using the Dragon Eye to enslave dragons while his father used it for research and for good," she crossed her arms focusing back on me with great concentration "Careful Hiccup, the moment he finds out your on to him, the harder your time here will be," I tilted my head down to the side "Then I'd better get out of here sooner than later," she smiled at that response "I can help with that, follow me," I raised an eyebrow but followed her lead to the back of the forge.

The forge was big and usually messy however Ashley always seemed to find what she needed and what was best to work with the help mend the weapons and re-make them completely. It took me a while to find out what I was doing but I soon got the handle of things. Inside the back room she introduced me to sketch after sketch of what looked like a tail fin. My hand traced over each sketch in turn but left me confused, I spun round and looked at her "A tail fin? Why will this help me?" her head dropped slightly before looking back towards me "I thought Aryan told you, but after what you did, Viggo knew he couldn't just hurt you, but he had to hurt something else which he knew would get to you, he wanted to make you learn your lesson, so he..." but she trailed off, so I finished it off for her "Toothless's tail, half of it was missing, I thought I was imagining it when he came to see me," her eyes looked apologetic towards me. I looked up at the sketches then back her "Well we'd better get to work, though I may make a few changed of my own," I put a smile back on her face; we headed back to the forge and got started on Toothless's tail fin. That's when a flicker of hope sparked back through me.

I and Toothless were getting out of this hell and I was taking the Dragon Eye with me.

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