Chapter 38: No Fear Equals No Control

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Chapter 38: No Fear Equals No Control


"What are you doing?" I felt my timid voice ask the two boys sat in front of me "What's it to you runt?" the rude words they would always call me used to hurt but since I've had it so many times it doesn't affect me anymore. "Can I join in?" I asked sitting down with them but they just gave me horrified looks and pushed themselves back away from me slightly "Sorry don't think you'd be able to stomach it, it's not your sort of thing," I raised my eyebrow at the two in front of and when I looked out to see what they were doing it appalled me. Where I thought they were playing a game they were doing the complete opposite, out in front of them were multiple drawings of dragons but when you took a closer look at them the drawings contained the dragons looking chained with one another being attacked brutally and the people attacking had smiles covered all over their faces. It was disgusting to see and the enjoyment the two boys found hurt me deeply. "Why would you draw that?! That's horrible!" I screamed at the pair of them "Oh shut up runt, if you don't like what you see move on. No one wants you here anyway," I suddenly ripped away one of the drawings from their pile so I could take a closer look. When I looked at it, I found loads of idea scattered around the page. Some spoke about dragon proof chains and cages, dragon root arrows before I looked back on brutally chained dragons but then my mind started to spin when I noticed what they were doing "What are you planning?" the paper was ripped from my hands as the boys looked back at me.

"That's none of your concern," the younger one spoke back at me "It is my concern because you're going to hurt dragons when father told you not to," suddenly I felt his hands push me hard down into the ground and he held his hands against my throat tightly so I was gasping for air "He is not your father you understand me! And you aren't my brother! You are a worthless runt! You really wanna know what this is, I'll tell you only because you'll be too dead to remember anyway. We're gonna use the dragons and finish what my father should have. Destroy the island of Berk, sell and enslave every dragon we can and you dear Hiccup are gonna do nothing about it," I could start to feel my face heat up just as my throat started to thicken as I tried to talk "You...can't do that...I won'," he pressed harder into my neck as I choked further feeling my eyes begin to water and cloud over "I can and I will because you won't be-," yet his voice was cut off as my eyes started to darken around the edges "VIGGO LET HIM GO RIGHT THIS INSTANCE!" suddenly the pressure against my throat was released so I could breathe again with my weight being lifted slightly off the ground. I looked up to be led on Aryan's lap as he held his arms around my small figure clutching hold of me tightly away from Viggo as our father glared down at him. I watched as Ryker slowly ravelled all the plans they were creating immediately hiding them away afterwards so Aryan or Alastair wouldn't find them.

"What do you think you were doing?!" Alastair yelled down at his son who contained a strong and formal appearance to his father showing no signs of regret. "Well this is quite a scene; it reminds me of the time I travelled to Zanzibar and witnessed a relationship between father and son..." the man who came from behind Alastair was muttering away at himself "Johann, we don't need that right now," Alastair glared round at him before turning back round to Viggo continuing with agitation and rage towards him. As that was going on, I noticed Ryker slither his way round to the man named Johann handing over the plans which I saw earlier. The two of them shared an evil grin with each other before looking my way noticing I watched their negotiation. Automatically I cried out towards them "Give them back! You can't take those! You can't hurt them I won't let you!" But I had to stop shouting my throat was killing me from Viggo's pressure and through it Aryan had to try and calm me down as I struggled against him. He pulled me against him tightly with comfort but as I peeked out from his chest the man Johann smiled mischievously at me winking in my direction before leaving just as Alastair suddenly instructed him to do. I felt my weight be lifted off the ground as Alastair took me into his arms carrying me out the room. As he started to inspect my neck over his shoulder I watched as Viggo landed his profound glare at me making me feel very uneasy. But I couldn't get his plan out of my head, why would he enslave the dragons? Why would he sell them? Why attack an island called Berk?

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