Chapter 11: When You Least Expect It You Won't Know It's Coming

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Chapter 11: When You Least Expect It You Won't Know It's Coming


I worked and worked more than I ever have done before. Sweat kept trickling down my face as well as my back but it all didn't to me. Not one bit. The reason being so was because, Ashley and I were building a contraption for Toothless's tail. I was outraged inside when she told me what happened, the first thing that I thought of when she told was that what happened to him was all because of me. If I hadn't done what I had did – escape – then Toothless would still be in one piece, he wouldn't be missing a tail right now. Ashley had known it was affecting me and tried to calm me down about it all, her words had helped and especially when Aryan came to visit as well, he said that even without half of his tail he didn't seem to hold a grudge against me. That's when my mind took a revisit back to when Toothless came to see me when I was with Aryan, so they both had a point.

What also outraged me inside was how cold hearted of a man Viggo actually was. I knew he was devious and indecisive but the fact he went to long great lengths to hurt me was cruel; what had Toothless ever done to him...what had I ever done to him because surely it couldn't be because of his father. So, since I had found out, Ashley and I had being working full time on making sure that Toothless would be able to fly again but with me with him. It took us day after day but once it was finally ready we were both pleased with the result. "I'll put this on Toothless later tonight and I'll send Aryan to get you, but don't say anything or act differently, we don't need Viggo getting suspicious," Ashley whispered to me after she hid away the tail fin and lead me out of the forge. "I won't, thank you Ashley so much for this," I whispered back avoiding gaze with the two men coming into view.

Ashley smiled just as we made it to the men's gaze. "He's done for the day, worked harder than usual so I'd give him something extra today, like maybe a bath to get rid of the sweat," Ashley recommended to Viggo before he could speak one word. "As you wish Ashley," Viggo spoke so fluently before taking hold of my wrist. He dragged me out away from the forge with great force, heading down to the wash area. He thrust me into one of the rooms, his chestnut eyes piercing against me "You have 15 minutes, make it quick, you won't have any longer than that you understand me," and I nodded immediately before he slammed the door and locking it shut. I sauntered over to the tub and started the water; I lifted the red tunic Aryan gave me over my head and dropped it down next to the tub, followed by my bottoms before climbing in the tub.

I let my body soak in the water, it made me feel completely relaxed because for once no one was around to hurry me along or...or just watch. Thinking about the time I had on my hands I ducked my head down in the water to clean my hair before rising and switching off the tap. As I rushed through my time limit I thought about how this could be the last time I would ever have to go through this disaster. I jumped out the tub, dried myself off immediately, before pulling up my bottoms and chucking the tunic over my head just as the door re-opened, revealing Viggo. I didn't wait for him to speak or look my way, but just left the room. He soon went and took the lead heading back up the twisted tower and until reaching my room once more. He pushed me inside without a second thought and left me alone. Something seemed off about him today, he seemed more agitated and he seemed to be alone and barely talking. Maybe something happened between him and his brother. Who do I care anyway?

I wandered over towards the bed and led down knowing that I had a few hours to kill before I could be getting out of here. I wrapped the furs around me ready to close my eyes. It was easier now to drift off into nothingness because of the comfort Aryan had given me; it swept across my mind in that moment of time, maybe that was why Viggo seemed so agitated today and other days because everything was starting to change for me and he could see and sense it. Maybe that would make my plan of escape trickier than I anticipated it would be. I left the world through the darkness as I drifted off into sleep and didn't bother waking when the echo of the latch of the door re-opened followed by its heavy footsteps. I just laid there and waited for the shaking to stop just as the rattle of the plate was set down by the edge of the bed. The echo of his growl vibrated through my ears as I was still asleep; hearing the echo of movement in the background of my room.

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