Chapter 35: Wait And See Before You Judge Someone

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Chapter 35: Wait and See Before You Judge Someone


Seeing Hiccup the way he was plunges at my heart; it hurts me to know that he is still suffering even though he has his family. He claims himself to be broken and that he cannot be fixed but that isn't the truth, he only believes in this because that is what Viggo made him believe. He worked into him until he made sure that he completed something successful and it's worked, Hiccup feels broken and now believes he can't be saved or gets to feel appreciated. I tried my best to help him completely unsure whether it worked or not I'm just hoping that it does. After the moment he entered the house again I realised there was something different about him, he seemed calmer about himself and that's when I knew he could do it. It seemed clear to me that he was going to push past the nervousness and be the brave person we all know he is to come clean and hopefully that will be step one into becoming whole again. I smiled once I watched the door close and I liked the feeling of my heart lighting back up inside. Just seeing him happy makes me happy because as well as I him I feel that I have filled a void in my heart; I always wished for my best friend to come back and I started to lose hope about it but now that he is actually here I can't believe it but more than that everything just seems to easy.

"Astrid!" I turned around abruptly to see Heather and Snotlout running in my direction looking completely out of breath and seeming in a hurry "What is it?" It took them a while for respond as they both had to catch their breath before they could talk to me "We found something that you might wanna see," Heather spoke but very slowly with caution as if she were trying to stay careful among her words "Or rather someone," Snotlout ended for her also pulling the same exact pace and concern to his which Heather had to hers; I had to raise an eye brow because I was unsure who this person would be and why I needed to meet them. I followed them in pursuit as they took off in a run again but the place they took me wasn't a place which I thought I would be heading to. The place they took me to was the cells on Berk but the random thing was why should I be heading in this direction when I know no one in the cells especially since we haven't been here, we've been on the Edge for quite some time now. I thought for a second this was all an illusion, it wasn't actually happening instead it was all in my head but now I was actually heading into the cells. However, before I entered we all slowed down our pace to relax to just a peaceful walk but as they started to walk through I only stood in the entrance really unsure to why I was here. Heather and Snotlout turned round to look at me exchanging looks with one another before looking back at me indicating to me to keep moving forwards yet I still wouldn't "Guys what is going on?"

"Astrid it's better if we just show you," I sighed giving in so started following them in pursuit again. The strangest thing about the next part was how we were heading down the farthest part of the cells which were almost secluded in the dark this only got my curiosity spiralling again because I was getting increasingly intrigued to who they had to show me. In a way it made me believe they were hiding something which they didn't want other people to see. "Thank Thor your finally hear," the exasperated sigh coming from Fishlegs made me wonder even further. I moved past everyone to stand in front of the cell "Let me guess, your Astrid Hofferson," the voice which came from inside didn't frighten me or catch me off guard at all. His voice was actually soft but he was urging onto something which he wanted to say I could tell but right now he was holding back probably waiting for me to start the conversation "That's me. Who are you?" but even before he could answer the others stepped forwards first and started to explain things "We found him at the beach on a boat with the Grimborn symbol on the sail. He's one of them," my eyes widened and look back at the figure stood inside the blackness of the cell as he still didn't move forwards "My name is Aryan to answer your question beforehand and I can explain all that which I was trying to do before your friends here snatched me up and put me in this cell. They aren't the very talkative type I think you might need to talk to them about their actions," I rolled my eyes because I wasn't surprised about his statement; we usually do act before we talk which is actually pretty bad.

"Then please explain yourself," I started with him because I was even more eager now to get to the bottom of what all this was about. "First thing is first, I need to know whether if Hiccup is okay. I'm not telling you anything until I see that he is okay," my eyes widened even further than they did last time because it caught me off guard he knew Hiccup and why would he care whether or not he was okay "How do you know Hiccup?" though he didn't answer my question just immediately went with the same answer again "I told you I'm not telling you anything until I see he is okay," it seemed that he was just as eager about things as I was and I couldn't deny this not unless he had something which we needed to know. I did hesitate at first when I unlocked the door but as soon as he stood into the light something inside told me that I could trust him. His azure eyes sparkled with trust and his black hair fell against the fall of his face. As the pair of us made eye contact with each other that's was the immediate motion of trust between us so straight away I headed out of the cells back into the daylight with the man Aryan at my side with the others trailing behind but as they did so I could hear the mutters coming from their lips and how they were moaning thinking I was making the wrong decision which could be right but as of right now I was believing my gut and I knew that I could trust this man and if it were a trick I will pay the consequences for it. There was complete silence Aryan and I as I trekked up the hill towards the chief's home whether because it was awkward or not we just had nothing to say. However, it passed my mind whether this man did have a huge connection with Hiccup because if he was just messing around with us I would kick his ass and then still feel guilty about trusting him I just hope I wasn't making the wrong decision.

We made it to the house and I didn't know whether or not I should knock because this situation was different. Was it urgent? I guess so because he arrived on a Grimborn boat and he knows Hiccup, does he seem dangerous? Not really so it can't be that urgent right. I didn't take any chances so I barged my way through the door as I could see a double pair of green eyes divert in my direction. Stoick and Valka looked alarmed when they looked my way and suddenly the booming voice of Stoick vibrated throughout the room but didn't push me back instead pull me forwards "Astrid what do you think you're doing?!" Immediately, I pulled Aryan into the room just as the others piled in behind and Stoick and Valka re-pulled their position of calm while I explained what the others told me about him coming on a Grimborn boat before I let Aryan explain the situation "My name is Aryan, and yes before you get all defensive," he had to quickly to say that because I watched Stoick coil his hands into fists by the mention of the Grimborn name but even though Aryan told him to remain calm Stoick didn't do so but did listen all the same. "I was working for the Grimborns. I need to find Hiccup, I need to know that he is safe before I tell you anything," Stoick still didn't seem at all pleased and did look like he was about to attack Aryan and it did frustrate me as I said the exact same words to them as he did us. Before Stoick could get anywhere near Aryan though a voice from behind caught everyone off guard and let our eyes pay attention to that instead.

"Aryan?" everyone's heads turned in unison to look and see Hiccup stood on the stairs wide eyed but in amazement and brightness at the figure stood in the middle of the room "Hiccup!" Aryan almost shouted in joy at the figure now running down the stairs. Within a blink of an eye both of their bodies collided with each other; I watched as their arms wrapped around each other tightly and Hiccup buried his head into the man's chest while Aryan buried his head into Hiccup's shoulder "Oh thank Thor you're alright. Ashley and I have been so worried about you," I heard Aryan mumble within Hiccup's shoulder and that's when it struck me when you thought you'd seen it all a family image, you get to see something else which is amazing and it hit me further as much as Hiccup thinks it, he does have people around he appreciate him. 

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