Chapter 6: All I Remember

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"How much did you give him?" "Just enough, he'll be fine Aryan, just wait downstairs he'll be sent down once he wakes up," I felt the pain scorch all over my body as my body was regaining consciousness but the more I did the more I felt sore and felt hurt. I couldn't remember much of what happened. Little fragments ran through my brain, I remembered how I was brought on the ship, the storm that brewed outside which drifted me off to sleep and then I woke up and the storm had calmed down, my throat felt hoarse and sore so they gave me something to drink but...but that was it...after that I felt everything black out and I couldn't remember what happened next. My eyes fluttered open slowly and the more I gained my sight the more I noticed that I wasn't on the ship anymore but in another locked room. My head was banging hard and my bones were aching like there was no tomorrow. I pushed myself up from the bed but felt my back rip to shreds making me fall back down "Ow..." I whisper cried in pain; that's when the latch of the door opened.

I tilted my head to look in the direction and I was embraced with Viggo followed by his brother enter the room "Sleep well?" but I spoke no word all I could focus on right now was the pain my back was creating and with whatever direction I moved I collapsed back down. "You know what time it is Hiccup, let's go," Viggo's voice stayed calm and fluent as he watched and waited for me to get up willingly. I pushed myself up from the bed again but like last time I ended up falling back down, I tried it repeatedly but there was no point and I soon lost the energy to even try anymore. I didn't bother looking at either of them because I knew what look I would be given and I didn't want to witness it. "Lift up his tunic," I heard Viggo demand to his brother, I could hear the hesitation in the man's voice at the order he has given but he obeyed his brother at all costs and lifted the back of the ragged tunic they gave me. I buried my head in within the tattered pillow and waited for the next reply. "Fetch me Aryan he'll know what to do," without a second thought Ryker left the room to bring Aryan in this room and it didn't take long at all.

Aryan was one of the people here who actually cared about me, over the years he made it clear to me that I could trust him and he never hurt me once, more like protected me against it all the best that he could. I moved my head out from the pillow by just a fraction to see him come back through the door with Ryker. His sigh was evident as he took a seat next to me; he lifted up my tunic carefully and examined my back before he lifted my tunic back down. His gaze turned to look at Viggo and Ryker and he spoke confidently "I'll have to take him back to my quarters to look at him, I can't do it here," I felt a rush of relief run through me at the choice of his words but I knew Viggo wouldn't like it "I can't except that, you know the rules Aryan," however he still stayed calm and fluent even with the crazy suggestion "And I also know why you need him and if you still want him to do his jobs and earn his keep then you let me take him back to my quarters to help him because the infection is getting worse by each second and he seems to be gaining a fever, and I can't help him here so you let me take him or he will die right here right now, it's your choice Viggo." I could hear the eagerness to Aryan's voice followed by the growl in Viggo's frustration "Okay take him, but as soon as he is back to his normal health you bring him straight back here, do you understand me?" I watched Aryan nod his head before Viggo and Ryker left the room leaving me with Aryan.

Aryan turned his gaze back onto me; he stared at me with his big azure eyes while his ebony hair fell against his face. I lifted my head further out of the pillow as I felt safe with only his presence in the room. "Come one, time to fix you up," I started push myself up but shook his head indicating for me to stop, so I did. He stood up out from the seat he was sat in, leant down and wrapped my arm over his shoulder before he reached down and pulling up my legs so I was being held against him, I felt my head fall against Aryan's shoulder as we began to leave my room and head down to his quarters. As he walked I could feel multiple burning eyes scorch down on me from all the men but I closed my eyes and buried my head away deeper into Aryan's shoulder. "It's okay you can look up now," I heard his voice whisper at me; I lifted my head slowly to see I was in a complete different area somewhere I'd never been before, it was more clean that's for sure and everything looked more cosier than what I was accustomed to. But I didn't get excited.

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