Chapter 59: No One Knows What Comes Next

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Chapter 59: No One Knows What Comes Next


It wouldn't stop playing on my mind, the fact that Viggo was on his way to kill Hiccup. No one knew when he would be here and no one could prepare when Hiccup was injured up at his house. He hasn't woken since he arrived back here and it seems Gothi is struggling to help him which scares me because deep down inside I know I can't lose him...I know that I won't but I'm starting to feel a dark hole fill inside my heart. The dark hole that wasn't there when I knew Hiccup was alive that's why the pit inside my brain is secretly telling me he's fading away and it's slowly tearing me up on the inside. "For goodness sake would you stay still," the Light Fury growled at me as I tried removing the blood of her back. As much as this girl is beautiful, I forget about how she's the same species or sub-species as Toothless making her just as ruthless as Toothless is on the inside. But I know she doesn't want to be here as her head keeps looking up at the Haddock domain. She just wants to be there as badly as I do and when I look at the blood that's stained on her glossy skin all I can see is the bad and the guilt that hurts inside. That's when I think of the bad and the dark pit inside my stomach curls back in getting deeper and deeper when I believe inside he most likely won't survive this. I looked at the Light Fury as she glared her demeaning blue eyes at me "Don't give me that look, the sooner I get this blood off your back you can go see him but at the moment they don't need to be overcrowded, understand me?"

She growled one more time before hitting down to the ground cooing still looking up at the house. I dipped the scrub back in the bucket of water before kneeling down next to her delicately brushing off the blood. It felt like a chore, I wanted to be doing something else. No I should be doing something else, I should be up there by his side, I should be finding out a way to make sure Viggo doesn't make it on land or make it here at all, I shouldn't be washing a dragon who doesn't even appreciate my help, what the hell am I doing?! Whilst running through my thoughts I realised I'd washed all the blood off the Light Fury so I chucked the scrub back in the bucket and sat there sighing heavily turning the head of the Light Fury with her eyes now full of worry and concern. I looked back at her while she just stared at me intently "What are we both doing here?" she didn't say much, not much at all just kept staring "And why I am even talking with you, I'm pretty sure you hate me," now she actually made a mumble sound and I'm taking it as a yes cause she seems like a very self-centred dragon. Screaming suddenly erupted through my ears, my head rising immediately as did my body off the ground. The Light Fury's head tilted in the direction of the house immediately and within in a blink she was gone straight to the house. I didn't hesitate to speed right behind her and before I knew it I was straight through the door with everyone else behind me.

What I thought wasn't true, Hiccup was awake, right in front of me but his skin was pale as ice and his eyes swollen with redness. I didn't realise I had fallen next to his side grabbing his hand as Valka held pressure against his stab wound. The blood kept pouring through the cloth, getting thicker and thicker by the second as I could feel the heat radiate of Hiccup. The pain was evident through every inch of his body and he wasn't denying or hiding it anymore. The strong facade he used to pull was great but now everything appeared to be flooding out at once. "Hiccup, Hiccup look at me," his head tilted to look at me and I pulled him close holding him tight "You're gonna be okay, trust me you're gonna be okay you just have to be you always are, like you always have been," I didn't hear what everyone was saying in the room until I noticed the heated sword Valka was holding, her hands shaking whilst holding the weapon. The fiery blend of yellow and red shone on the blade and I knew what was coming next. The heat was the only way to stop the bleeding; the pain and guilt came soaring back through as I saw the tears inside Hiccup's eyes, again I could tell he was slowly fading out from the pain and anymore blood lose then he would be gone for good so it was only a matter of seconds before we had to do the right thing.

Valka gave me a concerning stare, but really I know it was the stare of compulsion, I had to calm Hiccup down for what was next to come and I had to do it because if I didn't then my worst nightmare would become true and I couldn't let that happen. It was the pain and a scar forever, or lose him forever and I couldn't have that and he deserves a shot at life with his family so the choice was easy. I slowly nodded my head at Valka and looked down at Hiccup whispering in a subtle, gentle voice as I could "Hiccup, we have to stop the bleeding. You've lost too much blood already and if you lose anymore we could lose you forever...I could lose you I'm sorry for this," I looked back at Valka nodding for sure "Do it," the blade connected with his skin and the cry from his lips pierced the ears of everyone in the room until the blade was removed healing the wound almost automatically but hitting Hiccup unconscious at the same time. I didn't let go of him as I ran my hand through his hair keeping him as close to me as I could whispering an apology even though he couldn't hear me. I looked at his mother as everyone left the home knowing he had to be left alone at this point to rest all except his mother and father along with Leia's mom Ashley. I kept my eyes on Valka who was cleaning up the rest of the blood "Is he going to be okay?"

Gothi who appeared from the dark suddenly stood in the light writing in the dirt, I looked at it not understanding a word until Valka spoke up "It's unclear at this moment, the wound is healed but he still lost a considerable amount of blood so only time will tell," I nodded at her but kept him close to me as everyone who was left in the room began to leave as well except from Ashley who stayed. Once everyone was out of the picture Ashley sat down next to us "Astrid...I know that you care for him very much," with a sentence starter like that I knew this conversation was going to be a dark one but I let her carry on "I noticed the anger in your eyes earlier when I mentioned Viggo was on his way here but I also noticed the fear," at first I didn't know what she was on about until the deep pit in my stomach that kept on growing wasn't for this moment right now but it was for something much deeper than that, something that was yet to come. "Astrid, you need to understand that whatever happens when he gets here is between Hiccup and Viggo, it has been for many, many years and none of us can step in between that no matter what happens," I looked up at her with our eyes connecting deeply. All I saw when I looked in them was darkness just like the darkness in the pit I'm feeling. Looking down at Hiccup he's not just broken on the outside but he's broken on the inside as well no matter what facade he shows.

Going through everything that he has been through it's a wonder he's survived but how long can that survival go on for. Which is why what happens next will happen if it comes to it and no matter how dark and deep it will cut I have to understand it's for the's for his freedom. Hiccup's freedom. The silence was held between Ashley and I for a while until I finally let my lips release the thing I words I hated to say most "I know."


I know its been a while since I last posted on this story but I haven't had inspiration in a long while until now at least and hopefully I will be posting a lot more but sadly this story will come to an end soon but thank you to everyone who has stayed this long in reading it, if you're still here that is but hope you've enjoyed this chapter. 

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