Chapter 53: The Hidden World

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Chapter 53: The Hidden World


I waited. I waited and waited for Astrid to arrive to the Great Hall for dinner but she never arrived and I'll admit I was a little disappointed but at the same time I was almost glad because that moment between us on the Cliffside threw me off guard. I didn't know what was happening and why it was happening, it just sort of did. As the pair of us leaned in closer together I could feel her soft breath touch the icy touch of skin and I couldn't help but find myself lost in a moment. Well that was until Snotlout decided to show up, if he didn't I'm not entirely sure what might have happened. Would have our lips made contact with each other? I can imagine the sweet sensation in this moment; would it be just as magical as I think it would be? I don't know why I'm thinking of such a thing because something between Astrid and I can never happened not after everything that's happened. Besides I don't actually believe I'm in the right state for that, everything has just been flooding in so quickly at the moment I haven't had time to process what I'm thinking and how everything has started to take a turn for the better all of a sudden. Okay maybe not everything is turning for the better, I've just escaped from Viggo for what is it now, the third time? And I'm still alive but he'll never stop coming for me and I have no idea why.

I always keep wondering whether or Leia might know the answer but then my mind keeps trailing back to how we never officially met when we were younger so she'd probably have no idea. There was no way anyone on Berk could know why Viggo wants me so bad, nor can the Defender's of the Wing because they haven't been part of my life for the past 14 years so they have no idea what I've endured and been through. So in the end, it all falls down on me the failure who has no idea what's gone on his life because he can't remember half of it. Sighing heavily, I rested my hand on my cheek with my elbow connected to the table picking at the plate of food sat right in front of me with the spoon while everyone else in the Great Hall were enjoying their meals. "What's the matter son?" the hollow whisper of my father's voice pulled me out of my lost trance as I lifted my head up to face him with his big green eyes peering down at me. They weren't at all threatening but instead they bore the heart of kindness and sincerity, something about someone you knew you could always trust and rely on. That has already been proven to me and besides he's my father so it's something that doesn't have to be proven at all to me. "Just thinking," I mumbled back to him, I was surprised to find he heard everything I said due to my lips barely making a movement when I spoke. I sighed heavily again looking back my food which just sat staring just as helplessly at me.

The tap of my father's hand on my back caught me off guard when he stood from his seat and went around me leaning down to whisper in my ear "Come with me, I know something that might cheer you up," I removed my hand away from my cheek just as I watched my father walk away and out of the Great Hall. My head diverted round to look at my mother who was smiling at me gesturing her head to me to go and follow my father. My eyes perked open with interest as I pushed myself away from the table running round to catch up with my father's lead. I found my feet trekking all the way down the stairs before I finally caught up with him halfway down. "What took you so long?" he spoke to me with a joking matter to his voice, we headed up to the house but just as I was about to enter with him he told me to wait outside while he collected something he needed. I did as I was told and waited out in the cold while he went hurrying inside the building. The crisp wind started to take affect and wondered where my father had gotten to as I started getting shivers all the way down my spine. I let my arms cuddle around me hoping to shake some warmth into my bloodstream as I waited for another fifteen minutes for my dad to finally make an appearance. In his hands he held a book and it made me wonder why it took him so long to try and find something so ordinary. He came back over to me wrapping his arm round my shoulder sheltering me away from the cold before the pair of us made our way up to the far cliff side of the village.

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