Chapter 58: Love Of The Furies

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Chapter 58: Love of the Furies


"I can't believe what I'm seeing..." Leia spoke exasperated just as Toothless moved forwards little by little his mouth drooling as he gaped at the dragon before him "Is that a...?" I stopped what I was saying looking over at the Chief and then at Leia "A Light Fury, that's a Light Fury," we all stayed in one position looking at the dragon as it growled at us and from Toothless' reaction we know it was a female especially due to the pink sparkle around her eyes. "How did she get all the way here?" curiosity was filling up every bone in my body as the dragon lifted her head inspecting each and every individual confronting her. Barring her teeth, I knew she was territorial suggesting her presence with humans must not have been a good interaction; however the siren building up through her tone spoke for itself as a purple light began to ignite just as Fishlegs was stepping closer to her. Within a blink, it fired sending us all tumbling to the ground in search of protection while behind us the rocks shattered to pieces sending an almighty explosion up in the air. Everyone scrambled in the sand, regaining a position to see what was going to happen next; my plait flung itself back behind my head as I stared at the Light Fury barring her teeth further sending shivers down my spine as she watched with a close eye on each and every one of us. But that wasn't what caught my eye; it was what she cradled in her arms protectively.

I let my eyes scan the area around her realising the sand revealed skid marks suggesting a bumpy landing, her tail was curled around her and whatever she had within her arms and it was clear something was connected to her because she held onto it ever so tightly. I didn't move my body fully, but I leaned in close to grasp a better look, only to find she was holding a delicate, fragile figure inside her arms; I wasn't the only one who saw it as everyone's eyes were also pinpointed on where I was looking and it wasn't until Valka spoke up clearing the air "Hiccup?" Slowly every single one of us rose just as the dragon slammed her paw down into the sand producing her claws "Hey Astrid, maybe if you do what you did with Toothless she'll let us go and touch her?" Tuff whisper shouted towards me as I could feel all eyes from everyone piercing their way down on me. I gulped shaking my head at the dragon finally settled on keeping her eyes locked on me already believing I was the one going to target her out of everyone "'t think that will work this time Tuff," remembering the first time I engaged with Toothless, he held Hiccup in the exact same form the Light Fury was holding him now. I wanted to interact with this dragon just like I interacted with Toothless, but from the state we're seeing her in I know it would prove to be difficult so I didn't want to even try and that's when I saw it. From the corner of my eye, I watched Toothless melt his way over towards the dragon very slowly and I knew that only he would be able to get close. "Toothless is the same species so maybe, he's the only one who can get close enough and get her to trust we're friend no foe?" Leia almost whispered to the group but still loud enough for us to hear.

Keeping in my place I watched Toothless crowd closer to the Light Fury who averted her gaze away from me and to him instead automatically snapping at Toothless. My eyes widened in fear as Toothless moved backwards suddenly but kept staring at the female intently until I couldn't believe what I was seeing, the slits inside her eyes diluted and cooed at Toothless letting him move closer towards her. A long while passed between the two dragons where they shared an intimate moment and bit by bit Toothless was able to inch closer towards the female until their noses could touch. Watching closely, Toothless looked down nudging at the Light Fury, almost pleading for her to open up to him...she did. Gently her wings opened and her tail removed its curl revealing to everyone's eye a battered body, blood was everywhere damaging the glow of the dragon's scales but she didn't seem to mind as she was more interested in the body she was holding. It was clear she knew Hiccup due to the way she was holding him; Toothless leaned closer towards the body while the Light Fury stayed still letting him get closer and closer. Soon Toothless nudged Hiccup with his nose hoping for a sense of life from him but nothing happened.

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