Chapter 54: To Save Her, Whatever It Takes

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Chapter 54: To Save Her, Whatever It Takes


The deeper I slept that night, the more I kept revisiting the past with Alastair and the Light Fury all the events with Viggo in the past made much more sense and I knew why he wouldn't stop looking for me. The only trouble is that I can't help him, there's no way and not just because I won't it's because I can't I've only met one of them and that was when I was a boy. What does he expect me to do in this day and age? When I knew I couldn't sleep anymore that I decided to sneak out through the hatch with Toothless to get some air and find someone to talk to about what I saw; by that I mean go and find Astrid, she always has logic in these situations so maybe, just maybe she'll have an idea as to what it all means and what we need to do to make sure Viggo doesn't make an approach on me. Toothless and I trekked through the dark of the night to make it to Astrid's home down at the bottom of the hill; I knew the way to her house with familiarity but I'd never been in as she's always been in and out every time I've seen her go in or when I waited outside. The wind crept through my skin as it whistled through the rising dawn of day making me shiver with little goose-bumps trailing up my skin in all directions. Toothless noticed this so made sure he kept close to me at least hoping to shed some warmth into me and it worked a little bit. We finally made it to Astrid's door and I knocked waiting patiently. It wouldn't surprise me if no one did come and answer the door because; it was still the break of the morning so everyone was probably still sleeping. My issue wasn't urgent so I could always come back later in the day but I wouldn't need to because by that time Astrid would have come found me, like she always does.

I couldn't wait that long though, so I guess it was kind of urgent for me. I waited a few longer minutes but when no one still appeared at the door I knew it was best to take my exit with Toothless at my side. I looked down at him and shrugged "We'll come back later, it is still early you know," he grumbled at me nudging me forwards obviously upset about me waking him up this early in the morning when he could have gotten more sleep. I did feel sorry for him because all he's done since we've met is try and take care of me and I've done the same for him, though recently we've barely spent any time with each other and that hurt...a lot. It felt as if I'd completely disregarded him for my own petty issues in this world; sighing heavily he cooed at me sensing my despair "Sorry I haven't spent time with you bud, we'll spend the day together I promise," a smile brightened on his face revealing his gummy smile proudly as we carried on walking away from Astrid's home slowly but in the process I could hear the sound of hinges start to twist and move from their slots signifying a change in the door's actions. Toothless and I spun back round to see the father of Astrid stand in the doorway rubbing his eyes in adjustment to see the fragile figure stood at his doorway...well at least a few metres away from it now. "Hiccup, what brings you here so early this morning?" his tone was soft, vanishing his frightful demeanour. I've seen him through the village recently and he doesn't appear to be the type of guy who likes to be messed around with; he's usually got this low growl to his tone which makes him seem so threatening but at least I know where Astrid get's her warrior attitude from because it's certainly from this man stood ahead of me. Seeing him with this sudden soft side caught me off guard because, I was expecting him to yell or scream at me for waking the household up so early in the morning like I did with my poor dragon but there was nothing, just this soft, tender tone to his sleepy voice.

"Sorry to bother you sir," I started taking a gulp just in case there was going to be a sudden change in attitude, but I carried on keeping my voice as timid as possible "I just wanted to talk to Astrid, if that's possible," the man seemed wide awake now but at the mention of Astrid's name he raised his eyebrow at me, searching inside his house before looking back at me "Sorry Hiccup, but Astrid never came home last night. My wife and I believed she was staying with you last night," that was not what I was expecting, hearing those words come out of his mouth paralyzed my body because if she wasn't at home and she wasn't with me, then where on Asgard could she be. "Oh," was all I could say to the man's reply just as he nodding with no reassurance to give, maybe he started to worry about his daughter just like I am "Thank you anyway sir," the man nodded one last time before Toothless and I carried on making our leave "Hiccup, try the woods she usually goes there to train in the mornings she may already be there," it was my turn to nod at the man's words so Toothless and I began our descend into the desolate woods. The sun hadn't made a full rise in the sky yet so there twinges of sunset rays filling the forest with beautiful, romantic colours setting the place in absolute peace. I could stay searching in this place forever because, right here there was no danger there was nothing, just a beautiful colouring with the awakening sound of birds tweeting as they awoke from their slumber as well as the occasional roar of a dragon waking in the distance.

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