Chapter 36: What Happened 14 Years Ago?

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Chapter 36: What Happened 14 Years Ago?


"I worked with Ashley for weeks building Toothless's tail and when the time was right we took the chance and I got out. That was when we found ourselves at the Edge," I finished explaining everything I knew or at least could remember of my time with the Grimborns with my parent's listening intently. I told them everything, each and every detail which I told the other riders. The torture I went through from Viggo and Ryker's hand, the escapes I tried to make, I even mentioned the time when I was a kid and the way their father treated me along with Aryan but only the parts I could remember as that part of my life is still a little blurry to me I also told them what I had seen through my dreams; I wanted to do as I said, I was going to tell them everything and I did despite what they think of me afterwards. Right here, right now is what matters to me. Even as I spoke I no longer felt fear in my voice, I didn't tremble I stood my ground being strong and brave to get the words out even if my body was still faltered in its shape. I looked at each of them closely once I finished my story, my life. "I know what you must think of me and I know I can't change that. I don't want to be a burden on your life. This isn't the person you expected as a son and I respect that so I'll leave," I pushed myself up from the seat and began my depart; I saw the look in each of their eyes, they did seem disappointed, they did seem ashamed at the sight of me and there was nothing I could do to change that and I wasn't going to try either because they wouldn't fight for a son they didn't want. Strangely enough either, tears weren't welling up inside my eyes; I couldn't feel the burning sensation in my eyes but I did feel the cutting of a hole forming in my heart.

Automatically, I felt a smooth and soft touch slip its way into my hand curl itself way through my fingers pulling me lightly back round. I stood there face to face with parent's who each were shaking their heads at me "We can't change what happened to you Hiccup, we know that but that doesn't mean we think or see you as anything different. Your our son and you always will be and we aren't ever letting you go again," my mother spoke in her soothing, calm voice just as she pulled me in close to her chest wrapping her arms round me protectively. I looked up at her as she looked down at me and our eyes clashed but were smiling at each other warmly. She lifted her head up lightly and kissed my forehead just as my father wrapped his arm round the pair of us "Your mother is right, we can't change what happened but your here now and that's all that matters and we don't want to ever lose you again. We won't," he too buried himself in the hug as I replied to the pair of them "And I don't want to lose my parent's again," we held onto each other tightly for what felt like forever but that wasn't the case. Each of us separated from each other as my mom went to clear away the plates from earlier with the help of my father while I went upstairs to lie for a bit. Everything just seemed so exhausting lately but it was all worth it because now I was at home, a home...that was a strange thing for me to think as I've never thought it to come true. Yet here I am, led down in my bed, in my room, in my house with my family. It felt weird but good at the same time so I was able to put a genuine smile on my face as the tears discarded fully from my body and the hole in my heart was beginning to return hole once again. It felt good.

I guess Astrid was right; talking about my problems isn't such a bad thing because now I feel better with myself. I feel as though a weight has been lifted off my shoulders where I can finally breathe again and the fresh air felt great. Yes, it was true the memories won't ever been gone from my brain so they will stay but now they are out in the open it doesn't have to scare me anymore I don't have to feel haunted by the fact it was real and it happened because, now it was replaced by something and more important which was a wish that came true. I wanted to stay lost in my thoughts just a while longer because for once they weren't depressing but, my attention was caught to the noise downstairs. It certainly didn't sound like my parents were alone, it sounded more crowded so I went down to take a look and see what was happening. I lifted myself out from the bed and sauntered towards the stairs making a decent. As I did, I found myself stood frozen in the spot as I looked at the figure stood between the riders and my parent's. I wouldn't forget is vibrant ebony hair nor would I forget the azure eyes and the not so built body. As he turned to looked at me a smile smacked across his face and did it across mine "Aryan?" I could see threw the corners of my eyes that everyone's head diverted at me in unison with shocked, confused, expressionless faces. "Hiccup!" Aryan relaxed in his position when he looked at me and his smile brightened when he mentioned my name. Before I could even hesitate and take this all in I ran straight down the remainder of stairs towards him and into his arms before anyone could object to me doing so.

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