Chapter 30: Cutting Deep Like A Knife

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Chapter 30: Cutting Deep Like a Knife


I ran straight after him with everyone else on my heels. As soon as I got to his hut the door slammed immediately in my face before I could even make an entrance; so just started knocking harshly against the wood to get him to invite me inside. "Hiccup open the door! Please open the door I can explain everything you just have to let me inside!" But there was no reply to my scream; I kept connecting my fist with the door but I would still get no reply every time I called out to him. I could hear his small cries coming from inside and it killed me hearing him do so because it just reminded this is my entire fault and I should have just told him when I had the chance to; everything would be so much easier right now. "Hiccup I know I should have told you the truth but I didn't want to tell you in case it wasn't entirely true. But as well as that you only just told me personal stuff from your past and I didn't want to throw that on top," still reply came from within however I did hear the crying die down slightly. I looked round at the others as each of them shared concerned and guilty expressions on their faces when it was identified I was getting nowhere. I ushered them away silently as I wanted to tell Hiccup the truth alone even if it was behind a closed door. They did as I wished and left me alone with the blank door; I slid down it slowly and laid my back against it to rest and took a deep breath ready to tell him everything.

"We didn't know who you were when you came here Hiccup, that's the truth but when you did I found something familiar about you and I couldn't put my finger on what that something was and I was so eager to find out what it was. It all started when we raided one of Viggo's islands and through the fire I saw Viggo, Ryker and someone else with them and I didn't know who they were but later I found out for it to be you though at the time I didn't know this. Once the raid was over Snotlout called me over as he found himself placed in the tower and there we noticed blood and both of our thoughts ran to Stoick and Valka's son, our best friend and his cousin. I went back to Berk and told Valka about what I saw and how I thought it was their son because something inside told me that it was but then I had to face the facts. Berk had been sent proof to say that the chief's son was dead and the remains of him was his left foot. So of course over time I ignored my instincts but when you came to island everything didn't add up and the resemblance you gave struck me as odd. When you told me your name that was the first thing that struck because the chief's son was called Hiccup and then after the attack on the Edge you told us your story and it mirrored the exact same events on Berk just some factors the other way round and the missing piece of the puzzle was you.

The next factor I saw was your leg, your left leg is missing and that was the only 'remains' known to be proof which came to our island to say that you were dead and at this point I knew my answer and I knew that it had to be you. The others were still debating but I knew what my gut was telling me. When I was in your hut looking for you the other day I accidentally knocked something over and I was picking it all up I noticed a small dragon toy shaped as a NightFury and as I looked upon it I recognised it all too well because I was the one who made it. I made it for my best friend when we were children for his birthday, though he was shy back then...quite a lot. I told Valka and Stoick, that was where I was with Ruff and Snotlout and they told me that if it really is you I would find a small scar below your lip and when we were talking earlier I noticed the scar and there was the final proof that I needed...from that moment I knew that you are their long lost son." And I waited in silence to see whether or not I would get a reply from him, but there was nothing, not one single sound which came from inside except from slow heavy breathing. "I don't know if you listened but I hope you did because it's the truth and I would never lie about something like this. I know it's a lot to take in but...please consider the truth because I know you know it to be true as well."

With dead silence as my company again I sighed pushing my weight up off the ground and meet the others who I saw went back into the clubhouse when I told them to leave us alone...well that being me and a door. "It's not Astrid's fault! She was only trying to do what was best for him!" I heard Heathers voice shout from inside as I sauntered through with my head hanging low "It is my fault guys. I did this, I should have just told him when I had the chance to otherwise he wouldn't be feeling like this right now," I dropped myself at the table and sat there with my head buried within my hands guilt running all the way round my body and it wasn't a nice feeling. "Why couldn't I have left well enough alone?" I muttered to myself; a hand was suddenly placed on my shoulder as I felt someone sit next to me as the space between didn't feel so lonely anymore "Because if you did, you would never have found out the truth and Hiccup would still be wondering where his family are or even if they are still alive. You did a good thing Astrid; you're the reason why a family will be out back together...that is if he wants that or believes that." I sighed heavily once again but tilted my head up to look at Heather beside me or wore a wide smile on her face. "I wanna see them." Everyone's head's perked up in unison and looked to the left entrance of the clubhouse to see Hiccup standing there timidly.

"I wanna see them," he repeated himself; his voice reflected his timid position as he tried holding back anymore tears which might fall and when I looked upon him I couldn't help but feel the same. I pushed myself away from the table and slowly walked over to him with our eyes never breaking contact with each other and I stood next to his side as his body twisted slightly to keep the eye contact in lock. "I wanna see my parent's," he finished as I saw the tears glass his eyes over; I nodded at him with no hesitation and a smile broadening on my face "Okay...okay we'll take you them," I couldn't help but wrap my arms around the fragile figure in front of me and as I did so I felt him wrap his arms round me as well. His pressure as he did so was tight but I didn't care because I knew that he needed it. I felt him bury his head within my shoulder so that he could stifle the small tears which he still had to shed and I let him. The others slowly gathered around the two of us and wrapped their arms around the pair of us so we were all in a group hug. This was the image; this was the image that we had all longed for, for a very long time because it was an image we thought we would never get. None of us imagined that we would be stood here today as friends again but this time the friendship being complete.

Later that night we all went to bed ready for the trip tomorrow. I had already sent a terror mail to Stoick and Valka explaining the news hoping that they would get it in time ready for our arrival tomorrow. But as I lay in bed I wondered, would everything change now? Would the dynamic change between us all or would it stay the same or possibly get better? Or even away from that, what would Viggo and Ryker do if they found out about this? We couldn't let them get to him again; if they were going through all the trouble to search for him then Hiccup being back with his family could just make his situation worse. That doesn't deny anything though, I was taking Hiccup home and he is going to be part of a real family once and for all.

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