Chapter 3

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"Yeah just text me or call me sometime. Good luck to you too." I said walking of there. I am not giving up looking for the rest of my group. For now I just have to keep on looking. I will show Sue she can't stop us.

I walked back into the glee room and looked at Kurt.

"What is wrong?" He asked me scared.

"Well I have bad new, horrible new, and just worser new. Which one do you want to hear first?" I asked him leaning against the piano in the room.

"Worser new first. I want to get the worse out of the way." He said sitting across of me.

"I don't know where our five left except one and we have to start all the way that the beginning." I said looking at him.

"Okay that is the worse. What is the horrible new?" He asked.

"Mr. Schuester is directing Vocal Adrenaline." I said waiting for his reaction.

"Are you kidding me? He is not." He said to me shocked.

"But he is." I said.

"Okay what is the bad news?" He asked look like I am going to give him the worse new.

"Remember me telling you there is one left." I was saying.

"Yeah." I looked at me with hope.

"It is Kitty. She is the only one left. The rest was transferred to different schools." I said.

"Okay. We can work with this. We need to convince Kitty to come back to us." He said. I looked at him. I could see that he was trying to think of a plan.

"Kurt, I don't think it will be that easy." I said.

"I know that it won't be easy but we have to try. Just let me talk to her or maybe you can talk to her. I feel that maybe you should talk to her." Kurt said.

"Okay. I will talk to her. You are right. We need her. If people see someone like her in the club then maybe more people will step up and join." I said.

"Then what are you doing standing here girl." Kurt said pushing me out the door.

"Okay I am going." I said leaving. I was walking through the school looking for her. Where would she be? I looked everywhere. Then I saw Sam.

"Sam, Do you know where Kitty is?" I asked him. I really hope he knows.

"Well right now would be glee. She would be in the library or auditorium. She hangs out there a lot. Mostly when Jake, Unique, Ryder, and Marley was here. That is where that loved to hang out. The library or the auditorium." Sam said.

"I loved in the library. Thanks Sam. I am going to go check the auditorium." I said walking away. I walked to the auditorium to see a blonde girl in a cheerleader uniform standing center stage look out to the seats.

*Kitty's POV*

I walked to the auditorium like I sometimes do during this time. It would be glee club if we had it. I put my stuff in one of the seats and walked onto the stage. I walked to center stage and looked out to the seats. I was thinking about how these seats were filled with people to come see competitions for glee. I was also thinking of Mr. Schuster sitting there at his table watching us perform a number someone put together.

I was so lost into my thoughts like I am sometimes. I didn't hear her come in. I stood there for a while Then I turn to go play some music and I see her. I see the one of the person I know I don't want to see. What is she doing her? I see....

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