Chapter 36

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I was working on the other's phone. This time it didn't take me that long. I know what I was looking for. I was right. What Ryder has on his phone is on all of our phones. That is why I never got texts or calls. It must be also attached to their emails too. But how did I not get their letters?

"So what do you got Kitty?" Jake asked me.

"Well." I then explained everything to them.

"Okay that makes sense for the technology part. But why didn't you get our letters?" Marley asked me.

"I have no idea. But what I am wondering is who has the brains and talent to do this?" I said looking at my computer.

"What I am wondering is when did you learn all this stuff?" Jake asked looking at me.

"When I dated Artie. He taught me." I told them.

"Okay. So you kept on going?" Jake asked me.

"Yeah. So it is fun and inserting." I told him.

"You better watch it Jake. Kitty is better than me. She can do so damage your stuff." Artie said rolling in.

"Oh please Artie. I am not that good. But I am good enough to track and find out who did it." I told him.

He rolled over to me. I turned my laptop to show him what I was doing. He smiled at me. He approves of what I was doing. Then the bell rang for homeroom. I closed my laptop and I looked at my phone. It transferred to my phone. We then all headed to homeroom. Artie rolled away probably go look for Rachel or Kurt.

"Kitty, wait up." I heard behind me. I turned to see Ryder coming up to me.

"Yes Ryder?" I asked him.

"I just thought maybe I can walk you to your homeroom?" He asked me.

"Sure I guess." I told him. He smiled to that. Then we walked to my homeroom. But won't he be late to his. His homeroom is nowhere near my homeroom.

So now knowing the truth about not hearing from them in the past. But now the question is who didn't want me to hear from them? Why did they do it? How did they do it?

I was going to figure all that out. I hope I will. But it will take time. I hope a few things will change for the glee club now. Now we all know the truth. Maybe we can be friends again. Will have to wait and see?

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