Chapter 49

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This week was hard on me. It reminded me how much I do miss my brothers. They have been gone so long. I wish they were here. Mostly to see how everything is. Also, see me in glee. My new life and better life. But I know they are doing good with what they are doing. But it's just hard.

I was walking throw the park that was between my house and Ryder's place. It was a beautiful night out. It was peaceful. I was half away home. I felt like I was being watched. I know this wasn't a hundred percent smart, but I can take care of myself.

When I got home I got inside and locked the door. I looked out the window to see if anyone was following me. I didn't see anyone. I then went to my room. My parents were already in bed. I am not surprised. I saw the light of my father's office on. He probably working.

I just went to my room. I sat down on my bed. I pulled out my phone took a picture of me and texted it to Ryder with a text,

Home safe and sound. No worries.

I will always worry. I only care.

I know. I will see you tomorrow. You still picking me up?

Yes. See you tomorrow.

I then got the rest of my homework done. I had my music playing. When I got done I started to get ready for bed. I got my next day outfit ready. I know it's my cheer uniform, but I like to have backup outfits just in case.

I woke up to my alarm the next day. I turn off my alarm and I turned on my music and started to the day. I was dancing and singing while I get ready like always. I then went downstairs to get something to eat for breakfast. I was eating, and my phone went off for a text,

Here. You ready?

Be out soon.

I then ran out to Ryder's car. When I got in I gave him a smile. He smiled at me back. I am always like when he picks me up. I like spending time with him. He is a great person to be around. We have a great friendship. But truly I want to be more then friends.

We were listening to music the whole away there. We didn't need to talk. I am happy we didn't I just want to think about this week. It was ending soon. So, the week was coming to the end. This week really made me think about a lot. Mostly my brother. I wish they were here to see this week.

Our Last ChanceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora