Chapter 19

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I didn't text Kitty back. I know she didn't want me to respond. So I didn't instead I am going to do something else. I am not going what she asked. I am going to the source and talk about this.

It has be a while since that happen. I haven't had time yet to talk to Rachel yet. But I am doing it. A lot happened since then. Mr. Shuester left Vocal Adrenaline. Coach Beiste is back with us. His name is Sheldon Beiste. Don't ask how I know that. I just do. But he is happy now. Now I have to do something that I might make one of my friends mad at me but I don't care it is for a good reason.

I walked to the glee room. I heard different voices. I know them all. I enter to see few of the graduates.

"Hey man." Puck said.

"Hey. What are you guys doing here?" I asked them.

"Well we are here to help. We heard that you guys got the amount of members you need and thought it was time for you guys get whipped into shape. Also help Kurt and Rachel pick a leader." Mercedes said.

"What do you need Ryder?" Rachel asked me.

"I came to talk to you about glee leader." I said to her.

"What is it?" She asked.

"I think Kitty should be the glee leader." I said.

"Why?" Kurt asked.

"Because she is strong and stuff." I said.

"Okay. No offence Ryder. But their are other people who might can do it." Kurt said.

"Then if you think that then you should let us glee kids choose. We are the one who are the one who have to work with them. So what do you think?" I said. What Kurt don't think Kitty can do it? Or does he not believe in her?

*Rachel's POV*

"Then if you think that then you should let us glee kids choose. We are the one who are the one who have to work with them. So what do you think?" Ryder said to us.

"You know what Ryder. That is a great idea. I will think about it. You should head to class." I said. Then Ryder nodded in understanding and left.

"Are you really going to let them pick? I feel like it is our right to pick." Kurt said.

"Kurt, I am sorry but I am letting them pick. I am turning it to a week. Just trust me." I said.

"Fine. I am trusting you on this." He said.

"How are you going to do it?" Artie asked me.

"I don't know yet but I will figure it out." I said. I know the person to call to talk to. I just don't know if he will answer me. I walked away from everyone headed to get so quiet place to call him. Please answer me. I really need his help.

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