Chapter 42

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It is later that day. Kitty hasn't talked to me about what is bothering her. I know I am going to have to ask her now. It was lunch. I was waiting at her locker for her. She always comes to her locker before lunch. She was coming to her locker with Spencer and Jake.

"Hey." I said as she came up to me.

"Hey." She said. I got out of her way so she could get to her locker.

"Kitty, I have something to ask you but I want to truth." I said to her. I must be right out with it. If there is something she is hiding. I want to help her.

"Okay. What's up?" She asked me.

"I know something is bothering you. What's up?" I asked him.

*Kitty's POV*

I looked over to Ryder. He knows me to good. I know he would be the one to ask me first. I know he could help me. Mostly feel better. I then said,

"My parents think glee is bad for me."

"What? Why?" Jake asked.

"Don't know. They just don't understand." I told them.

I looked at them all. I know my parents don't understand. They are just stuck in their own little world. I am not part of it. If I don't act like them. Then I am not in that world. I am sad that they don't understand. Glee is a big part of my life.

"That is their fault. They can't see what the amazing talent you have." Ryder said.

"Thanks Ryder. I just I wish they see the truth out of their own worlds. But that will never happen." I said. I got my things and just walked away from the guys. I wasn't hungry. I just wanted to be alone for a bit.

*Ryder's POV*

We watched Kitty walk away. I can't believe her parents are like this. But I do because I meet them. They are something. I feel bad for Kitty. I want to do something to make her feel better. All she has in her family is her brothers. They are over sea.

"What do we do?" Spencer asked out loud.

"Don't know. Just be there I guess." Jake said.

"No. We be there for her. Help her. Make her know she is not alone." I said. I then walked to the lunch room. I need everyone to help. That is where they are. We need to stitch as a team. If one is hurting. We all should be there to help.

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