Chapter 7

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We got Ryder. Ryder was so happy to see us. He was so happy to see Jake. They were we like little kids seeing each other for the first time. I find out Unique did homeschool. So I picked her up and now we headed to get Marley. I looked at the paper to see where she was. I know that address. He told me that he know nothing. She is not there.

"What is wrong Rachel?" Unique asked me.

"We are not going to get Marley. We are heading back to McKinley." I said driving back to McKinley.

"Why? What about Marley?" Jake asked me.

"We will talk about it when we get in the glee room." I said to them.

"What about Kitty?" Ryder asked me.

"Well you will see her soon." I said. We got back to McKinley. We all walked into the school. They looked happy to be back. I got three of them back. Maybe with them back Kitty will come back to us. We walked into the glee room. I saw Kurt there with the other four.

"Welcome home guys." Kurt said.

"Kurt what are you doing here?" Jake asked.

"Rachel and I are directing the glee club." He said.

"Okay." Jake said.

"So where is Kitty?" Ryder asked us.

"Who are they?" Unique asked me.

"Okay I will start with introduction. This is Jane, Roderick, Mason, and Madison. Guys this is Ryder, Jake, and Unique." I said. Everyone said hi. Jake, Unique, and Ryder took a seat.

"So where is Kitty? Is she running late?" Ryder asked us.

"Kitty. Kitty Wilde." Madison said to Ryder.

"Yeah. You know her?" Jake asked looking at her. "Of course you would. So do you know where she is?"

"She said this is a loser club. She said she doesn't know why she joined the first time." She said to them.

"What Kitty is not in glee?" Ryder said.

"Not surprised." Unique said.

"What was that post to know?" Jake asked Unique.

"Come on guys. Be truthful. She never really was nice to us." She said.

"Unique she can be mean but there is a reason for that." Jake said.

"Really. Then please tell me." Unique said.

"Come guys. Lets not do this. Unique we all know Kitty can be mean but remember she is still your friend." I said. Then I heard the bell ring. Everyone was leaving.

"Ryder, Unique, and Jake here is your schedule. I took the time out and got them for you." Kurt said handing them papers.

"Thanks Kurt. See you guys later." They said as they walked out of the room.

*Ryder's POV*

I walked out of the glee room. I had one thing on my mind. That was to find Kitty and get her to come back to glee. I walked up to Jake.

"We need to talk to her." I said to Jake.

"Yes we do. If I am right she would be at her locker. She should have the same locker." He said. We walked down the hall looking for her. I turned the corner to see.....

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