Chapter 58

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We then ended the video call. I headed back downstairs. Let's see what the verdict might have to say. It problem not come on my end even with my brothers' help. I know they tried their best to help me.

So, since that day my mom didn't give me no punishment. Probably because of my brothers. My brothers are still home. Also, my mother which I am not use to. She wanted to spend some time with her sons. Sure, I will believe that when I see it. She just wants to put up an act for my brothers.

"So, after school Kitty I want you right home. We are going to have some family time." My mom told me.

"Well, I won't be right home after school. I have Cheerio practice and then Glee practice." I told her.

"Can't you skip the glee one. I bet Mr. Shuester will understand." My mother said.

"Mom, I can't skip it. Compactions are coming up and we need to practice if we are going to win. If I am going to Cheerio practice I must go to Glee. I know you don't like glee. But I do you will have to deal with it." I told her.

I know if any one else said that to their parents they would be grounded or in hell trouble. But I don't give my mom respect until she gives it to me. So, I don't care. I have been taking care of myself since I don't know when.

"Fine. Do whatever you want. Just remember you don't have a lot of time with your brothers. You should take whatever you could get." She told me.

"Mom don't try to guilt trip me. My brothers know I love them and would love to spend time with them. But glee means something to me and I need to be there." I told her.

"We would want you to be there then here with us. We would want you to be your compaction." Hunter told me.

"Thanks bro. If you guys want to come to watch. You know they won't mind." I told them.

"I think we will take you up on that offer. Then we can bring you home right after to have that family time. What do you think mom?" Jace suggested to our mother.

"Okay. That sounds good." She told me.

My phone then buzzed. I know who that was. Ryder was probably here to pick me up for school. I looked at my phone. I was right the text was from Ryder.

Here. Ready whenever you are.

Be out soon.

I then got up and said,

"Ryder is here. I must go. Love you."

I grabbed my bag and headed out of the house. I am happy to get away from my mother. I felt like if my brothers were not there. She would be lecturing me about me and glee. My parents are not a big fan of glee. But I love it and I am staying. I got into Ryder's car.

"Hey." I said to him.

"Hey." He said.

I really don't know what I would do with Ryder. If I didn't have him in my life I know I won't be the girl I am today. I would go insane. Him and the others really help me be a better person. The person I want to be. The person my parents couldn't help me be. They are my true family with my brothers.

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