Chapter 32

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"Sorry man. But Ryder, the truth is out there and he can find it out by himself. So let's just tell him." Jake told me. I just rolled my eyes.

"You know he is right. So what happened?" Spencer asked.

"Ryder picked a fake online girl over Kitty." Jake told him.

"What?" TJ asked.

"Why?" Luis asked me.

"I don't know. I was blinded by something I thought was right. But not real. So when Kitty told me she liked me and want to go out. I told her when I find out the truth. Then she told me she is no one seconds. Then left." I told him.

"Wow man. So you think you have a chance now?" TJ asked.

"I know I have no chance. But I am not a type of guy that gives up trying." I told them.

"Then man good luck. We all know Kitty. She can be a hard cookie sometimes." Jake said.

"Now if you guys don't mind. I got to go." I told them.

"Bye Romeo." Spencer yelled to me.

I ignored him and walked to my car where I spotted Kitty waiting there for me. She was talking to Cat and Stephanie. I walked over to them. They were laughing about something. I just didn't know what.

"Hey guys." I said when I got up to them.

"Hey Ryder." Stephanie said to me.

"Hey." Cat said.

"Hey. What took you so long? Usually you are out in a heat beat." Kitty asked me jokingly.

"The guys." I said. Right when I said then guess who shows up.

"Ladies." TJ said behind me.

"Hey guys." Kitty said.

"Yeah. Sorry Kitty. It was our fault Ryder was not out here." Luis said to her.

Kitty gave them a look like huh. Then she just rolled her eyes at them.

"Yeah we were just giving Romeo here a hard time." Spencer told them.

"Romeo?" Stephanie asked confused about the name.

"Nice pick. I say it fits him perfectly." Kitty said.

"Thank-you for agreeing. Now we give you the nickname of Romeo." Spencer told me.

"Well would to chit chat and everything. But Ryder and I got some work to take care of. So see you two ladies later. Bye guys." Kitty said to our friends and then looked at me. "Ready?"

"Yeah. Let's go. See you guys." I told them.

Then we got into my car and left. We headed to my house. The ride was quiet. The only thing you could hear was the radio playing. But that was alright for me and Kitty. We had moments like this always. It was just nice knowing she was there.

*Kitty's POV*

We were in Ryder's car. It was quiet. But not that awkward quiet. It was a nice quiet I was use to with him. We use to sit with each other and say nothing like this right now. It feels like old times again. I wonder if we can ever go back to those times. If stuff can be how it use to be. I don't know if we can ever. Stuff changed.

Then we pulled up to Ryder's place. It was like how it always been. Nothing really changed it looks like. That was nice to know. I got out of his car. Ryder then handed me my bag and led me to the front door.

I didn't even get fully into his house before a pair of arms wrapped around me. I looked up to see it was.....

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