Chapter 13

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I started to walk down the hall I know I can get Cat and Stephanie definitely. It will be harder to get Sophie and Lesa. I bet if I ask June and Michelle shouldn't be that hard. So lets start off with my two cheerios girl. I turned the corner to see Cat and Stephanie talking Jake.

"Hey girls. What are you doing Puckerman?" I said walking up to them looking at Jake.

"Hey Kitty." The both said.

"Hey is trying to get us to join glee." Cat said in a bubble tone.

"Puckerman, really you are trying to get my two girls." I said him.

"Your two girls?" He asked confused.

"Kitty, my be a mean and everything but we are her best friends. We are her girls." Stephanie said. She always find away to say stuff like that in the nicest way.

I got close to these two girls. Stephanie is anti-cheerio. She is so sweet and kind. Cat is so special. I love her for that. I would always protect her. She is like my little sister If any one hurt these two girls, I would break their face.

"Yeah they are my sisters in cheer. Do you got a problem with that?" I said to him.

"We know what you glee did to her. You just are just meanies. If Kitty won't join neither will we. So you can leave." Cat said shooing him away. He just shocked his head and walked away.

"So I trust you girls and you know that." I start to say.

"Okay. What is it you want?" Stephanie asked me.

"I need you guys to join glee with me." I said to them.

"What? You said that club is for losers and what they did to you was mean and wrong. Why would you want to help them?" Stephanie asked me.

"Because I know we are on top and everything. But you girls still feel out of place here. So do I. But glee make us feel welcome and wanted some where. I am not doing this for them. I love to sing and I told you guys how I had fun in there. I want glee to be around for a long time for other to have a place. So will you place join with me. Don't do it for them but for me." I said to them. They both looked at each other and signed. I know I got them.

"Fine. But I m doing it for you." Stephanie said.

"If my sister wants to do it. I will do it too." Cat said.

"Thanks girls. Now I have to get a few more people and then we will join." I said.

"Okay. Do you need help?" Stephanie asked.

"Yes." I said getting my notepad out to cross off the names on my list.





The girls looked at the list and tried to help me think of ideas to get the others to join.

"I think we should go talk to June next. She would be the easy to get right now." Stephanie said.

"Okay. Let's go then." I said. We walked off to find June.

*Rachel's POV*

So it is the next day and Kurt and Blaine is missing. I still have no songs for this thing. Also no new members. It is the Warblers turned to go. They are a good team. I don't know what to do. My kids confides went really down since yesterday. I really need to bring it back you.

We watched the Warblers go and I was right they were amazing. They got done and my kids got up and left when we were aloud to. I looked over to Mr. Schuester. He looked over to me and smiled. I got up and walked out. I walked up to Sam.

"Sam I really need some here. I don't have enough kids. Also Kurt is missing and I don't know where he is. Can you help me?" I asked him.

"Rachel, I will proudly help you. What about you work on the set list and I get members. I have a person in mind." Sam said.

"Thank-you Sam."I said.

"No problem." He said walking away. I walked into the glee room and saw songs on the paino that had a note on them. It said,

Use these songs. You will definally win. They will touch Sue inner feelings. Trust me.

A True Glee Member

I looked at the songs. These were what I definitely need. These songs were perfect. Now I just need to pick who gets what.

*Sam's POV*

I walked into boy's locker room because that is where I know where he is. He is probably using the whiteboard in there to make up football strategies. I walked in to see....

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