Chapter 20

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"I don't know yet but I will figure it out." I said. I know the person to call to talk to. I just don't know if he will answer me. I walked away from everyone headed to get so quiet place to call him. Please answer me. I really need his help.

"Rachel." A guys voice said on the other line.

"Mr.Shuester, I know you might be busy but I have a problem and I need some advise." I said to him.

"No I am not busy. So what is it I help you with?" He asked me. I smiled to myself knowing that Mr. Shuester is free to talk.

"So we are choosing who would be the leader of glee and I kind of what to make it a week. Ryder came to me not that long ago and wanted Kitty to be the leader. He suggested that we let them pick. But I think Kurt feels that someone else should get it and I don't know what to do." I said to him over the phone.

"Well Rachel. Here is the thing. Do what you think is the best. I think it is a good idea to let them pick. It is smart to make it a week thing too. Just do what you think is right. You got this Rachel." He said to me.

"Thanks Mr. Shuester." I said.

"Rachel, remember you were a leader with Finn. You two did a great job at it. Just follow your gut. I know that is what Finn did. As I can come in to help if you want." He said to me.

"That would be great. Can't wait to see you again." I said.

"Okay. See you soon." He said.

"Just letting you know. Mercedes, Puck, Artie, Quinn, Santana, and Brittany is here to help." I said.

"Okay. More help the better." He said. We said our goodbyes and hanged up. I really want to do good for this glee club. But I just don't know what to do.

*Mr. Shuester's POV*

Rachel really wants to do something good with this glee club. But she just needs a little guidance. I know she can do this.

I walked into the glee room to see Kurt and Blaine sitting there. Blaine looks horrible.

"Hey what is wrong guys?" I asked them.

"Dalton Academy is gone. It burned down. We have nothing left." Blaine said.

"Well then they will come here and join our glee club." Rachel said.

"Really Rachel?" Blaine said looking up at her.

"Yeah. I will get it done." She said walking out of the room.

It is glee now. Everyone was walking in. Even the walbers that came here. I looked around to see if we were missing someone. Right when I was going to ask where was Kitty. She walked in with two boys.

"Kitty you are late." I said looking at her.

"Sorry guys. Just had to hunt down these two. They promised me they would join and no one breaks a promise with me. This is Luis and TJ." She said.

"Nice to meet you guys." I said to them.

"Hi." The one who was TJ said.

"Hey." Luis said.

"So do you guys have anything to sing?" Kurt asked.

"Kind of." Luis said. He looked over to TJ and then Kitty. TJ shrugged.

"Just do it. Come on guys." Kitty said.

"Okay here we go. TJ give me a beat." Luis said. Then the next thing I know TJ was beatboxing.

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