Chapter 4

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I was so lost into my thoughts like I am some times. I didn't hear her come in. I stood there for a while. Then I turn to go play some music and I see her. I see the one of the person I know I don't want to see. What is she doing her? I see Rachel standing there.

"What are you doing here?" I asked her.

"I am back and so is glee. If you didn't hear." She said walking closer to me.

"I heard that you failed at being an actress on your show. Which I heard was a horrible." I said to her.

"Yeah. It was horrible. But I am not here to talk about that." She said to me.

"What is it then? What are you here for?" I asked her.

"You look like you miss it. It is back. You can always come back. You don't have to audiction." Rachel said.

"Who said I miss it. I don't want to go back to something that won't be there long." I said to her.

"Kitty come on. It is here to stay." Rachel said to me.

"Yeah right. I will believe it when I see it." I said. I hopped off the stage.

"Kitty! We need you." Rachel said.

"You just need me to just be a number in the back." I grabbed my things to leave.

"You are not just a number. You were imporant to the group. You still are." She said coming after me.

"No I was not. I was just a number in the background. That is all I was to you guys. When I need someone the most no one was there. You guys said that glee is our family. That you will always be there for me. Then where were you guys when I need you. I called, texted, email but no one answered. I was left here alone. So I am done with all of you. You were never my family. You never really cared." I yelled at her. I was hiding my tears. I just turned and walked away.

"Kitty! Kitty!" I heard Rachel yell when I was walking away. I will not turn around to let her see me hide my tears. I walked to the closest bathroom. I walked into the bathroom and looked around to make sure no one was in there. When I made it a hundred percent that no one was in the bathroom; I let out my tears.

*Rachel POV*

I walked back to the glee room. Sam was there talking to Kurt. When they saw me Kurt ran right up to me.

"So?" He asked me.

"So what?" I asked him.

"Kitty. What she say? Will she be coming back to us?" Kurt asked.


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