Chapter 54

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The rest of the time we talked about other things. I told them more about the other glee members old and new. They told me about what have been going on with them. It was a really nice time. But I know they are not going to leave the Ryder topic alone. Before they leave they either will have more answers or put a plan in action. I know them.

Having my brothers home is the best thing in my life. I feel like my family is complete again. I don't think this house is empty now.

It was the weekend. Ryder was coming over to hanging out. Brothers and he have been becoming really good friends. He likes hanging out with them. I know they like hanging with them.

I then heard the door. I went to it quickly. I saw my brothers watching me. They had a smile on their face. I opened the door and to see Ryder.

"Hey." I said to him.

"Hey." He said to me.

"Come right in." I said letting him in.

Ryder and I were just going to hang out for a bit. Before the rest of the glee clubbers come. We were having a small pool party at my place.

"Hey Ryder." Jace said.

"Hey guys." Ryder said.

I lead him to the kitchen. I was making some food for the party. Also, my brothers were going grill hot dogs and hamburgers. It is going to be a great time.

"That smells so good." Ryder said coming into the kitchen.

"Trust us Ryder. Those goodies have been teasing us all day. She won't let us have any of it until later. She is being so mean." Hector commented to us. Or more like whining.

"To bad. You will live." I told him.

I then went to back to what I was doing. Ryder helped me here and there. He mostly kept me company. I love it. Having him around I was always happier.

When I got done cooking and making food I went to get ready. Ryder and my brothers went to set the backyard up. I then came down in one of my favorite bikini I always love.

"This looks amazing. Your guys turn to get changed." I told them.

"Yes mama." Ethan said.

They then went inside to get changed. I touched up the backyard with what I thought needed. Then everyone was showing up.

I had the music playing and everything. Everyone finally showed up. The party just has begun. My brother Joshua was on the grill. My rest helped me host.

There was one thing I did get from my mother that I don't mind was hosting parties. I really do love hosting parties and get togethers. It is always a great time. It was something my mother and I always could see eye to eye on. But I always think I do it better than her.

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