Chapter 14

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I walked into boy's locker room because that is where I know where he is. He is probably using the whiteboard in there to make up football strategies. I walked in to see Spencer. I was right with what he was doing.

"Hey." I said.

"Hey Sam. So I think with you being coach for right now. You will put me as quarterback. I am so ready." Spencer said.

"Spencer, that is not why I am here to talk about." I said to him.

"What is it? Please tell me you are not going to talk to me about joining glee." He said.

"Actually I am. They need a leader and I think you would be great for it." I said.

"Sam, you are a great guy and everything but I don't know. It is already hard enough for me being gay guy on the football team but I don't think I can add glee to that." He said to me.

"Spencer, do you know who jersey that belonged to?" I asked him pointing to the jersey that is framed and hung in our locker room.

"No. Sorry I don't." He said.

"Finn Hudson. He was the head captain and quarterback of our football team. Also leader of glee. He start something new to this school. He made a big change here. He effected a lot of people because of it. He was a great guy. I think it is time for someone to take what he started and keep it going. I think that should be you. I know you can do that. You are the right guy to do it." I said to him.

"You really think so?" He asked me looking at the jersey.

"Yes." I got up and looked straight at him. "Just think about it. It is a one time thing. Your choice. But trust me if you join. You would never regret it." I said walking out of the locker room.

*Kitty's POV*

So I got June to join us. It was easy to get her. She loves music so I just told her the truth and everything. She was in. Then I went and got Michelle. She was also easy. Then it was one of my hard ones I did next. I went to talk Lesa. She was hard because everyone thinks she is a spoiled little brat. Here is the thing she is a spoiled little brat. But I told her what she wanted. She wanted people to like her. She only wanted friends. I told her about Sugar and that she got friends. She was so in. Then that left me Sophie. Let me tell you this that was not easy. It took all the girls I got but at the end we got her to join.

Now it is the day and I am meeting up with the girls now to take them to glee. I walked to our meeting spot.

"Ready to go." I said to them.

"Lets do it." They said. We walked to the glee room.

*Rachel's POV*

"Okay everyone. Here you go." I said handing out the sheet music I got earlier from a stranger.

"What? What about the no ones we were going to use?" Jane asked me.

"Forget about them. We are going to do these songs." I said.

"We don't have time for new set list." Jane said to me.

"We are going to be doing a all nighter together." I told them.

"It will be like a party." I heard a guy's voice say. I turned around to see Spencer walking in.

"Spencer. Happy to have you." I said smiling. Now if we can magically get two more that would be great.

"Thanks. Is it cool I join?" He asked me.

"You are always welcome. Here you go." I said handing him a sheet music.

"You better have a couple more. Also be ready to work our asses off because this girl wants to win." I heard. I know that voice. I turned around to see........

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