Chapter 5

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"Well.... Kitty is not coming back. What happened that made her really hate glee. She said we were not there for her when she needed us." I said.

"Well she is the last one here. She might feel like you guys abandoned her. Rachel, Kurt do you really know her?" Sam asked me.

"Kind of." I said to him. Kurt didn't answer.

"Really Rachel. You and Kurt never really was around to get to know her. So why would she trust you guys if you never gave time to leave New York and visit to get know them." Sam said to us.

"He is right. We didn't really get to know her. But Sam can you maybe talk to her. She might listen to you. You got to know them." Kurt asked Sam.

"Sorry guys. I tried once. But I know she will come back by herself." Sam said.

What am I going to do? If I can't even get Kitty to join back. How am going to get twelve members to join?

I has been a while since that day. I now have four members. The first member was Roderick. Then there was Jane. When Jane joined she came from the warblers. So Blaine is mad at me. But I hope things will change. Then I got Mason and Madison. They are amazing students. We are still trying to get Kitty to come back. Also there is Spencer. He keeps looking at the sign up sheet. So he is thinking about it.

"Hey guys." I said walking into the room.

"So what are we doing today?" Jane asked me.

"Well today..." I heard my phone go off. "I am so sorry guys." I looked at who was calling me. "I have to take this. Kurt take over." I said walking into my office. I answered my phone.

"Rachel. It's Mr. Bob Harris." He said over the line.

"Superintendent, what may you be calling me for?" I asked him.

"I know where those students you asked me to look up." I smiled to myself. "Do you got a pen and paper around? You will want to write this down." He said.

"Yeah hold on." I said getting a pen and paper. Then he told me all the information I need.

"That was everything." He said.

"Thank-you. Are they transferred back to McKinley? Can I go and get them?" I asked him.

"Yes. You can go and get them. They are back in McKinley." He said.

"Thank-you so much." I said.

"No problem. They will be waiting for you. I already called their parents. Good luck." He said.

"Thanks. Bye." I said hanging up. I grabbed my jacket and keys heading out of the door.

"Rachel, where are you going?" Kurt yelled after me.

"Getting our second four." I yelled back to him. I walked to my car and get into it. I drove out of the parking lot to get people who need to be brought home.

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