Chapter 39

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I couldn't find them anywhere. I then thought of one place I didn't look. I was now standing in the one place I was not allowed in. The one room both of my parents told me to stay out of. They had to be in there. This was the last spot.

I am going to have to work quick. I never know when my parents will get home. I then opened my father's study. I started to look for the letters. I then found a locked drawer. I picked it open. I then saw a folder that didn't look like it belonged there. I took it and got out of there. I went to my room.

I then sat on my bed. The folder was sitting there. I just stared at it. Why would my father have this in a locked drawer? It doesn't seem right. Where would he lock the drawer? I then opened the fold. Hoping it's not what I think it is. I really wanted to believe my parents wouldn't do anything like this. But part of me thinks they would.

I considered the folder. What I didn't want to believe was true. There in this folder was the missing letters. All of them. I took them all out. I sorted to sort through them. I wanted to see if they were all here. And they were. I picked them all one by one and read them. I first started with Jake's letters.


So, I don't know what happened to you. No knows what Sue did to you. Where did she sent you? I know Unique went home schooling. Ryder went to a different school then all of us. Marley, I can't believe she was sent there. I was sent to an all boy school. I really don't think I can last that long.

We did everything we could do. I don't blame no one. Those judges didn't know talent if it ran them over with it. All those songs were something. Mostly when they came from the heart. Kitty, we will figure this out.

I know that we will ways be there for each other. No distance can change that. Sue can do all she wants. But she will never keep us from our friendship. New Directions forever and always.


I then read more letters. I saved Ryder's letters for last. I started to read his letters. I was on his last letter he wrote me.

Dear Kitty,

You haven't write, called, email, or texted. What is going on? I am worried. I hope everything is alright. What have been going on? Where you at? I hope Sue didn't send you somewhere horrible. I hope she didn't break your spirit. Out of anyone, I know that you were the strongest.

Kitty, out of all in the glee club. You were the only one who probably fought the hardest to keep it. I know you would never admit it. But it is true. You always thought it was a save place. You could be yourself. I know when we lost it. You were crushed the most.

I do miss you. I think out of everyone. I miss you the most. You were always there for me. No matter what. Even when I pushed you away with the Katy thing. You were still there. I think that is what I miss the most. You were always true to yourself. You never let anyone tell you who you were or going to be. You always kept it real with everyone. Even if they didn't want to hear it.

Hope I hear from you. At less something. I do really miss you. Wish stuff could change and everything was different. I know if I got that second chance I would do a lot of things different. Most between you and me. Hope you will write.



I didn't know what to say. I know I should let them know I found them. I just don't know yet if I should tell them I read them. But I will tell them. I got on my laptop and saw that they were on this chatroom we use. I signed in.

Wild4Ever logged on. Lynn23 logged on. UniqueQueen logged on. RoseFlower logged on. Puckerman2 logged on.

Wild4Ever: Hey just thought I let you guys know I found them.

UniqueQueen: Found what?

Lynn23: You found the letters. Where?

Puckernan2: Let me guess. What you hate to admit was true?

RoseFlower: Did you read them?

Wild4Ever: Yes, I did read them. Jake, shut-up. I always had a feeling my parents took them. But why would someone want to admit to that.

Puckerman2: Just saying.

Lynn23: Sorry, Kitty. But at less you know the truth now.

UniqueQueen: So, you read them. Any comments?

Wild4Ever: No comments.

UniqueQueen: That has to be the first.

RoseFlower: Unique, come on. Really?

UniqueQueen: What? Just a question. One more question. Why?

Wild4Ever: Why what?

UniqueQueen: Why do it? It's not like they were protecting you from something. Unless they just want you be cruel, mean, and a straight down bitch again.

Lynn23: Okay Unique. That is enough. Kitty was never those things. She has always been there for us. The reason for why her parents did it. It is none of consured.

UniqueQueen: Whatever you say Ryder.

Wild4Ever: Thanks Ryder. I just thought I let you guys know.

Wild4Ever logged off.

I shut the lid to my laptop. I didn't want to talk to them anymore. I don't know why my parents did it. What they don't know was this really hurt me. Not hearing from them. I just laid there in my bed. Thinking everything over. My brain had enough and just shut down. I fell right asleep.

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