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The official end of the book... this is just so... I don't have words.

This book has been a journey, you can see how the characters change and become who they are today. You can see how their love grows. The characters have their own personalities and you can see how much they care, how they give their all to everything. But not only that you can see that they still know that they are parents and that their children come first even though they are in love. They never forget their responsibilities. They stay true to themselves and that's what matters.

Random Fact:
I didn't know how the ending will be. I never know the ending of my stories, I have an idea of what could be the ending but sometimes it's like this one, completely different. It wasn't supposed to end with Agustín coming back and asking for forgiveness. It was supposed to end after Ash was kidnapped by Leo. So you let me tell you you never know the ending, you can imagine one but it probably won't be that one.

Epilogue seven years later: Ashlyn's (Ash) POV:

"Mom!" Yelled Finn.

"Mom I didn't do anything!" yelled Ashton

"Yes you did!" Yelled Finn back.

"No I didn't!" Yelled Ashton.

That's what I heard while I was walking up the stairs. It's been seven years since I met Fernando. It's been seven years since I've been free. It's been seven years since I fell in love. It's been seven years since I had a family of my own.

Right now Finn and Ashton are fighting once again. This guys love each other but fight like theirs no tomorrow. They get along but when they are in the mood for annoying each other that's when they start fighting. I saw Mia running to me with a toy monster truck. Mia is my two year old daughter.

"Mommy!" She yelled and came up to me. She raised her arms so I would pick her up. Picked her up and she smiled at me. I know that smile she's up to something.

"MIA!" Screamed Finn and Ashton at the same time. I looked at Mia.

"Mia what did you do?" I asked her.

"They where fighting for the monster truck so I took it from them." She said with a big smile on her face. I laughed, Mia always does this. When the boys are fighting because a toy she just goes and takes it. The boys won't notice until a few minutes cause they are to busy fighting.

"Oh Mia." I said.

"I don't like them fighting. They idiots." Said Mia. I looked at her with wide eyes. How does she know what that word means.

"Who taught you that word Mia?" I asked her.

"Mom!" Finn yelled for me.

"I heard Finn say that to Ashton and Ashton say it back to Finn. Oh and I also heard it from daddy!" She told me. I shook my head and rolled my eyes.

I went to Finn's room cause that where I heard all the yelling. When I went inside I saw the whole room a mess and the boy in the middle of the floor fighting. Putting Mia on the floor I went up to them. When they noticed me and Mia they stopped fighting. Then they saw the monster truck that Mia has.

"MIA!" The both yelled at her.

"Boys!" Said in a angry tone. They became quiet.

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