Upvoted (Treebros) (drabble)

377 13 3

Highkey inspired by an episode of The Orville on Fox.

TW: None. Isn't that nice?

A Drabble is anything under 1000 words for me lmao

In a society where your fate is ruled by opinion and likability, Connor Murphy was fucked.

Connor never was loved. He never was liked. Connor was more just... there. His long hair exceeded society's standards. His foul tongue had permanent tooth shaped indents scattered all across it from biting it so hard. His fingers had nail shaped dents from digging his fingers into his flesh out of pure frustration. Connor Murphy had no votes in his badge. The red down arrow had a big fat zero under it, but the green one had the exact same. This, to him, was proof that Connor was, in fact, invisible. It was hard to be where he was. He was a master at avoiding everyone in the hallway. He never spoke up in class. He never said a word outside of his house, in complete fear that someone would send him into a pit of downvotes.

You see, once you're downvoted enough, it's a crime.

And once you've reached ten million downvotes, it's punishable only by death.

That's why Connor never downvoted anyone that he merely disliked. He didn't want to kill them. He knew a lot of kids in his school were teetering in the brink of crime just because they were hated by everyone else, and then there were actual criminals, over a million downvotes, just because no one liked them, or they were awkward, or they were clumsy, or they bumped into people all the time.

And then there were kids like Evan Hansen, who used the voting system as a slow ass suicide attempt.

Every night, Evan Hansen would sit in his bed, staring at the ceiling, pressing his downvote arrow until his fingers ached.

Now, why on earth would anyone do that?

Because Evan wanted to die and didn't have the courage to do it himself. He'd rather be downvoted to death than just dead. Then he would get no recognition.

However, every time he woke up the next morning, Evan's downvotes were back to 24. That was amount of times he'd been downvoted by others in his life.

His upvotes were stuck at a steady incline of one a day, Anna's of the time Connor first saw him, his upvotes were at 25,426.

He must be so loved. Connor thought.

The day Connor first met Evan, he just admired from afar. He stared for the entire lunch period, like a wild dog stalking its prey, and as soon as the period was over, Connor accidentally stumbled into Evan, his hand landing on the upvote arrow. He looked up and smiled. "Oh, uh, sorry."

"You accidentally upvoted me." Evan drew his eyebrows together in concern. He bit his lip, lightly, tilting his head. He half expected Connor to press his downvote arrow. He half hoped he would.

Connor did not. He smiled at Evan, lightly, the rest of the world passing around them. "Keep it. You deserve it."

"But—" Evan was cut off by Connor.

"It's okay, uh, Evan. You deserve it."

Evan pressed Connor's upvote arrow, smiling. "Thank you."


This was gonna be a full oneshot but I didn't feel like writing too much angst and I'm fuckin tired

And you guys deserve some good treebros

TheInsanelyCoolMS I miss you we need to talk again


I love you my Carcrashovercastyoungbloods

-Emily aka foblvr

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