Viral (Treebros)

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I got this idea from @stormyprince so I hope y'all enjoy

Psa look at this photo of Taylor from my stagedoor I love him.

Au in which the canon events happened but the internet was incredibly involved and Evan was close to Connor.

Evan felt his fingers shake as he watched the road go by in slow motion, his clean pressed suit clinging to his nervous, sweaty body. His eyes were wide and his heart was pounding in his skull, inching its way up his throat so far he could chew on every beat. His leg was bouncing uncontrollably, and bile crawled up his throat until he could feel the burn and the unmistakable taste of vomit, only mixed with a couple crackers, because Evan hadn't felt like eating in weeks. He only forced down a couple snack items a day.

Nothing had been the same.

Evan remembered it so vividly, the look of shock on everyone's face when Evan showed up to school with a smile on his face, not realizing the tragedy that had happened, that would impact him forever.

It all started when Jared Kleinman, Evan's only friend, really, called Connor Murphy, Evan's boyfriend, a school shooter, just to see their reaction.

Connor and Evan were public about their relationship, but they certainly didn't exploit it like most couples did. No intense make-out sessions in the halls or public whispers of 'I love you.' There were no fancy promposals or homecoming kisses that made everyone around them melt.

They saved all of that for private.

But when Evan was too anxious to stand up for Connor, the tables turned on him. It made him feel sick when he thought about the look of hurt on Connor's face when Evan nervously chuckled. It made him look insane, laughing at his boyfriend. What a terrible thing to do.

Evan never thought Connor's silence would mean something terrible had happened.

He stared down at his phone, the same video playing over and over and over again, stuck on a playlist, the very last thing that Evan had heard from Connor.

It was petrifying the first time Evan had seen it. Jared had walked up to him that Monday, clearly worried for how his friend must feel after hearing of such terrible news, but Evan hadn't heard anything.

"Didn't you hear, Evan? Oh my god, you have to watch this video."

Evan took the phone from Jared's fingertips, his own sweating, shaky ones nearly dropping it, especially when Connor Murphy was miserable looking from the other side of the screen, bags under his eyes, his hair almost falling out on camera.

"No, this isn't a documentary on heroin withdrawals. I've already done that."

Evan's boyfriend was one of the most popular videographers on the Internet, with over three million subscribers on YouTube, though Connor always told Evan it was probably his boyfriend with seventeen thousand email accounts all for completely different reasons. Connor was supported by his fans, by Evan, and by his family.

But Evan's silence when his boyfriend was being picked at proved to be too much for the tallest of the Murphy's.

"Look, guys, I don't mean to make a scene, really, it's just..."

Evan kept watching as his boyfriend talked to the camera. It wasn't edited. There were no jump cuts in the video. It was just pure, raw, scared Connor.

"I'm gonna keep this short, because I still have to upload this and I don't know how long I'm gonna have for that."

Evan looked at Jared, petrified as he tapped pause on the video, the title exposing itself. "What does this mean, Jared?"

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