12,100 Feet (Different Murphy Siblings)

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A body like a raisin, pruned up, and wrinkled, exhaustion ebbing at her tight muscles. Her bones felt as if they were going to snap, her eyelids felt as if they would fall off her face as she fought to keep them open. Her brother had been lost hours before, blown miles away by a particularly rough storm. It was the storm that washed the boat away. It was the storm that left Zoe Murphy clinging to a piece of driftwood, hoping someone got her SOS before her phone fell into the depths of the ocean. It was the storm that made her lose everything.

It had been a normal day, and she and her brother, Connor, had thought it was a fine idea to go deep sea fishing, miles and miles away from the coast, it was a nice, normal day until the sun was blocked out by a large cumulonimbus cloud. Zoe began to panic when Connor insisted on staying. She knew he loved fishing. She knew it relaxed him. She knew the ocean was the perfect getaway for her and her brother, but she also knew that if they stayed, the both of them would be stuck, injured, maybe even killed by such a treacherous storm.

Against her better judgement Zoe but her tongue.

A few minutes later, saltwater was being shoved into the boat, tossing the siblings like rag dolls into the ocean. Zoe shrieked, watching her brother get thrown off, opposite of he. He began to drift away, a wave sweeping him under.

That was the last time she'd seen Connor.

She was almost positive that was the last time she'd see anyone.

The storm had long since passed, but Zoe didn't know where she was. She didn't know how t get back. She didn't know anything. All she knew was that it was cold, and it was getting dark, and every limb ached with such a tension that she felt as if her muscles would snap like old crusty rubber bands. Her hair fell into her face every time she went under.

It wasn't a trip to the beach where Zoe ventured out too far into the water, just to feel the waves lift her off the mushy sand beneath her toes. It wasn't some kiddy pool that she could easily climb out of. It wasn't a happy scuba diving trip with a snorkel and goggles. It wasn't a happy little bath infused with Epsom salts for relaxation.

No, what it was, was a trap. Seventy percent of the earth is a trap, and she managed to get caught in it. She got caught in a feeling of terror, and helplessness, and pain. Zoe was terrified.

"Connor," she tried, her voice hoarse. Her head fell onto the piece of driftwood, her body beginning to shut down. She stopped kicking her legs, too exhausted to even dare holding onto any more hope. She just wanted it to be done. She wanted to drown, or let her blood freeze, or let dehydration turn her into a raisin.

Zoe didn't want to be there anymore.

She didn't want to be anymore.

"Connor!" She mustered up, again, her heart beat beginning to slow after hours and hours of overworking itself. Everything seemed bright, too bright for her eyes, even. The sky had lost its blue hue, the color almost a pale bright gray. The water beneath her was dark green, but colors seemed to swirl around her. She gulped, nothing going down her throat; no spit to swallow.

Zoe began to cry. She cried out whatever moisture she had left in her body, He saltwater from her eyes mixing with the saltwater beneath her. She swallowed, her fingers clutching the wood underneath her. She looked around, again, afraid she may have missed something. Her fingers were a bony white, her eyes red. It should be the opposite.

"Zoe!" She was sure she was delusional, that the voice she'd heard was some hallucination, tricking her into losing hope faster. She she was nearly positive that this was one of the warning signs for her near inevitable demise.

Until she heard it again.

"Zoe!" The voice was closer, and she was barely able to peel open her exhausted eyelids to see a boat—quite a large boat headed towards her. She swallowed, nothing going down as she shut her eyes, again, watching it get closer.

It wasn't as big as she thought it was. It could probably hold around ten people, but there were only four she noticed when they found her.

The four were two rescue personnel, a very frantic Evan Hansen, and her half dead brother.

Zoe was plucked from the water. She didn't know how. She only knew that when she let go of the driftwood, they pulled her on, laying her next to her brother.

See? You're okay. Connor is okay.

But it wasn't, was it? After all, they were still pretty far out, and neither her and her brother had had a drop of water in the past ten hours of treading water. Neither of the two were in a state where their exhausted limbs could lift a bottle to their lips. Both of them were in pain. Both of them were ghostly. Both of them had at least mild hypothermia.

Both of them could die if they don't get help.

"How did you know where to find us?" Zoe whimpered, unable to keep her eyes open.

"Your mom called," Evan replied. "When you guys weren't ack before that storm. She said to track your boat. It was easy enough to find you two after that." He moved closer to the two, swallowing hard as the boat picked up speed. "She's really worried."

Zoe hummed, knowing that was something her mother definitely would put him up to. She shut her eyes tightly, feeling her head dip to the side, her heart slowing. She barely peeled her eyes open to look at Connor's slightly rising and falling chest before she drifted off into a restless, terror filled sleep.


I was moving set pieces today and my friends were all thinking that we should push the platforms, but I thought we were lifting so they counte did and I lifted and it caught in my toenail and broke it and now I'm in p a i n

Anywho my aunt sent me photos of the DEH tickets

I hate this one shot psa

Aight cool

I love you my Carcrashovercastyoungbloods

-Emily aka foblvr

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