Prompt 2-Suicide Attempt: 16 hours (Treebros)

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Connor Murphy was one of the best trauma surgeons in the entire city.

Evan Hansen was nothing but a simple dog trainer.

Yes, Evan was the one who found Connor in high school, sick and tired of his own life. Evan was the one who talks him down from killing himself, Evan was the one to help Connor feel like he mattered, and he was most definite sly the one to get Connor interested in the medical field.

They met as sophomores, and Connor could barely get a word out to Evan. By the time senior year rolled around, they were dating, and Connor finally confessed his love for helping people. He had told Evan that he wanted to be a doctor. He wanted to help kids like him. He wanted to fix peoples lives, and he thanked Evan for helping him realize how much he cared for other people.

About six years later, halfway through medical school, Connor Murphy proposed to Evan Hansen on their seven year anniversary.

The wedding was beautiful. There was cake, and dancing, and frankly everyone realized how happy the boys made each other. It was a beautiful thing.

Two years later, the boys moved closer to the city, and started their new lives. Evan landed his job as a dog trainer at a local Petsmart, which made him extremely happy, because he got to play with dogs all day, while helping other people work things out with their animals.

While Connor worked an 8-7 shift at the local hospital as a trauma surgeon. The job, for him, was stressful, but it paid off in the long run, both in money and accomplishments. With his job, he was able to treat Evan with fancy dinners and extravagant surprises.

Nothing that you'd think could cause depression.

Evan, well, Evan felt strangled within all of Connor's success. He felt as if he couldn't keep up. Whenever Connor would one home with fancy bottles of wine for the two, sure, Evan loved it, for the time being. He would become a hopeless, intoxicated romantic, and all of his problems would melt away, but as they days got longer, and the nights got shorter, and the hangovers were beginning to become a routine, Evan began to feel like he couldn't do anything for Connor. He couldn't use Connor's hard earned money to treat his love. Evan couldn't do anything but just sit back and be pampered by the other, and that began to eat away at him, making him feel like the two had an unhealthy relationship. He began tricking himself to think that Connor didn't enjoy Evan's company as much as Evan enjoyed Connor's. Evan felt useless. Completely, utterly useless.

So Evan decided that he was going to kill himself.

Evan was positive that if his theories were correct, Connor would find another man in no time. Hell, he'd probably find someone in the hospital. Some strong, buff surgeon who could legitimately sweep him off his feet without even trying. Evan didn't want to hold Connor back from that.

So here we were.

Evan took a shaky breath as he stood on top of the apartment complex, three stories up, unable to go any higher. He figured no one would see him. It was midnight, and Connor wasn't home. He got stuck on the night shift. It was a remade occasion, but Evan had practically waited for months. He couldn't bring himself to believe that he was good enough for Connor, or anyone for that matter.

"Hansen?!" A voice called from the ground. Evan squinted through teary eyes, trying to find the source of the voice. Of course he jut happened to jump off of Jared Kleinman's apartment complex.

Jared and Evan had been friends since they were four. Their parents knew that they would get along, both bubbly young boys. They grew up together. Jared had always been there for Evan, as much as he hated to admit it. He was Evan's best man. "Uh, Yeah?" Evan whimpered.

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