Don't hate me but i saw DEH last night

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TW: spoilers, stage directions, profanity, everything that comes with seeing DEH really.

sky lakota-lynch is my spirit animal

Now that that's out of the way

Tonight was most possibly and quite probably the best night of my life, for reasons I'm guessing you can already tell.

I saw Dear Evan Hansen in the Music Box Theatre oN 45th street in New York City and it doesn't feel real at all.

Evan Hansen: Taylor Trensch
Connor Murphy: Alex Boniello
Zoe Murphy: Laura Dreyfuss
Heidi Hansen: Rachel Bay Jones
Cynthia Murphy: Jennifer Laura Thompson
Larry Murphy: Asa Somers
Alana Beck: Phoenix Best

The show was so good. Taylor did an amazing job as Evan and i was actually incredibly impressed with the way he carried his character. I could see tear streaks in his makeup right after waving through a window, and he carried out Evan's mannerisms quite well. There was also parts when Evan would say something questionable and he'd turn and look out into the crowd in sheer terror before carrying out the scene, and he legit fucking screamed when Evan was panicking about Zoe potentially breaking up with him. I loved his voice. It glides so perfectly up to the notes. I really really loved him as Evan. (I also told him he made me cry at the stage door and he said, "I get that a lot.")


JLT did the best Cynthia out there. It's quite amazing. She played the grieving mother so well, it felt so real. There's a difference seeing her on the bootleg and in real life. She was so authentic, you could see her hands shake when she talked about Connor.

Asa Somers was an alternate for Larry Murphy. I really loved his voice. It was smoother than Michael Park's, almost. I really enjoyed You Will Be Found, when Larry finally breaks down, he did so well throughout the entire musical. He was also super sweet at the stage door.

Phoenix Best, dare I say I liked better than Krystolyn Lloyd. She seemed more authentic, but fake at the same time, like Alana is supposed to be. Not to mention she is a beautiful girl, and her hair was great, and her harmonies in Good For You were spot on.

RBJ, man, where do I begin. Of course I cried during so big so small, I mean, wouldn't you. Good for you was so fantastic that I forgot how much I loved it until I heard, "Do you have any idea how MORTIFYING it is—" and I was over there passionately saying the lines (silently) with her. She even talked to me outside the stage door, when I told her that I sang So Big/So Small for my choir's pop concert. She asked me how it went and I told her my mom cried and she was like, "Then you did something right."

Laura Dreyfuss is such a phenomenal actress. Requiem was pretty much spot on with my expectations. There was a part she walked downstage center and sang, "That you were not the monster..." and she crumbled up the email in her hand and threw it stage right and you could see the tears in her eyes. She was fantastic, her body language, her voice, her eye contact. Everything was perfect on her end.

Sky Lakota Lynch; I know many of you are wondering. Rest assured, Will Roland taught him well. He said every line so differently than will, get it still worked with Jared. His body language (lots of arms), his eye contact and his reactions were fantastic. (Especially in disappear when he says, "A massive fundraising drive," and Evan holds him back). I also told him he was insanely cool at the stage door and he gave me a high five.

And I saved Alex Boniello for last because.

holy shit. holy fucking shit.

I know a lot of y'all are gonna come at me for this, but Alex, in my opinion was better than mike. He acts more like he's really trying to think about what he's saying, but falling short and deadpanning it for a while (when Connor is alive) until he becomes Evan's subconscious and he gets more emotional and tender with his movements, and how he says things. There was a voice crack somewhere in, "you can get rid of me whenever you want. You can get rid of all of it. The Connor project, the orchard, but then all you're going to be left with, is you." And my heart absolutely shattered, also when all the Murphy's leave Evan during Words Fail, and Connor is there, and he looks at Evan all disappointed and then walks offstage left. It was absolutely amazing to me. Alex is such a good actor, and he was so funny at the stagedoor. I dropped my playbill and he goes, "Hey, if you want it, keep it." And I also gave him the envelope with all your kind comments on it.

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