Fire (Not a ship but Badass Heidi Hansen and lowkey treebros)

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Highkey inspired by the last 30 minutes of the movie Firehouse Dog so if ya have any interest in that movie I suggest you watch before you read. Like legit this is everything that happens in the movie plus added angst there are spoilers.

Hello dedicated ones.

Evan pushed his face back, looking at the two men standing across the room. "We need room. I want that place in ashes by tonight."

"Tonight, but sir, I don't know how I could even—"

"You used to be a firefighter. Figure it out. We need that stadium built ASAP! I will not invest in nothing."

"Aye, sir."

Evan ran.

He wiped tears away from his eyes. His skateboard rattled against the pavement as he made his way back to the station, where he was certain his mother wouldn't be. She was sent off, along with the rest of the team, to go put out a fire by the harbor. Evan knew how much his mother loved him, and her job, and that crazy dog that Evan had just had to say goodbye to. He never thought Dewy would find his owner again, and Evan had grown fond of the mutt, for wherever he went, the dog would always find him.

So, Evan sat down in his mother's office, the Captains office, and sighed. He bit his lip, trying to shake more tears away from forming. He needed to tell his mother what he'd heard.

"You have reached captain Hansen. Leave a message and I'll get back to you as soon as I can."

Evan slammed the phone down as he attempted to get a hold of her. They were planning something, but he didn't know who, or what, or what they were even going to try to do.

Naturally, he logged into his mothers computer, staring at the blinking red bar atop reading, Engine 55 - Harbor Fire.

He minimized the window and pulled up the digital map of all the fires for the past six months, trying to catch a pattern. Everywhere he saw red was where something burned, and the red symbols were placed beautifully all around his station.

Evan's heart dropped.

He did all he could do. He called Connor Murphy, the son of the captain of Greenpoint Fire Department, and his best friend.

"Pick up, pick up, pick up!"

Evan's hands were shaking as he heard the familiar ring of the dialing, followed bu a groggy, "Hello?"

"Connor! Can you call your dad or something? I need someone here now." He spat, almost to quickly for Connor to hear, but Connor was used to Evan's anxious tendencies and caught every syllable.

"Evan, what's wrong?"

"Someone is targeting the firehouse, Con. All the fires have been set to clear area for a football stadium."

"Wait, but that doesn't make any sense. My dad is with your mom up at the Harbor. There's a brutal blaze down there. It's nowhere near you."

"It's a decoy." Evan heard a noise upstairs, nearly dropping the phone as he looked up.


"There's someone upstairs. I gotta go."


Evan pressed the end button, standing, and grabbing a fire extinguisher next to him. He drew his eyebrows together in focus as he climbed up the stairs silently.

Boy did he not expect who he saw.

His name was Bartholomew Lyre, and he used to be his mothers best friend. "You?" Evan whispered, pulling the pun on the fire extinguisher. He blasted him. "You did all of this?"

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