Sunshine (Conman)

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I don't even have my own attention.

Connor Murphy stared out the window of this school, his eyes gazing across the street at an empty field. He couldn't pay attention to his teacher, blabbing on about the industrial revolution, when there was three minutes until 4:10, and he was out of there.

He was out of there for good.

It was the last day of his senior year, and Connor couldn't be happier. He was stuck in an elated daze for most of the morning. His heart pounded to the ticking clock, the small, warped grin staying on his face until it was wiped from his porcelain skin by the teacher calling his name to get his attention.

You say, "Please don't ever change," but you don't like me the way I am.

"Connor, you're still in class," she crossed her arms, gesturing to the board.

She was relentless. She as the type of teacher to work beyond the bell, often sending students out with two minutes to get to their next class, because her lesson ran over. He was glad she was his last period. He didn't know if he could take that type of anxiety early in the morning.

"For like, two minutes, Mrs. Smith."

"Actually a minute and thirty-six seconds."

Connor snickered at the voice, turning to see the most beautiful strawberry blond he had ever met. Jared Kleinman was everything Connor Murphy was: A smart Ass, a rebel, douchebag, but all around lovable.

That's probably why they got along so well.

The sign said, "Don't you tap the glass." But I read it in reverse.

That's probably why they loved each other so much.

"Boys, don't make me send you to the principal's office on your last day."

"One twenty-three," Jared smirked, his eyes narrowing with a playful look at Connor.

Connor felt his face heat up as he tough to hold back a loud snicker. He covered his mouth, looking back up at the board, sneaking glances at Jared through the corner of his eye and suppressing his laughter.

"Boys," she crossed her arms again. "There's a reason I separated you."

"Because you're sick of their make out sessions?" Evan Hansen giggled from the front, his eyes shining with amusement.

Connor couldn't help himself. He let out a breathy laugh, looking up at Evan with a big smile.

"Forty-six," Jared blinked, making Connor laugh harder.

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They both tried to suppress it after a stern look from Mrs. Smith was given to all three of them. She narrowed her eyes. "I'll make you stay forty six seconds after the bell if you keep this up."

Connor couldn't help but laugh harder, his eyes watering at the edges as he looked at Jared.

"Well, I mean, it's thirty-nine now."


Everyone in the room was cackling by then.

The world tried to burn all the mercy out of me, but you know I wouldn't let it.

Not another word was said. It was just muffled laughs and stupid faces made at each other before the clock struck 4:10, and Connor Murphy was instantly on his feet. He would have run out of that room if he didn't snake his arm around Jared right after he put his jacket on. "Hey," he smiled.

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