Chapter 2- Coma

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Lillie's Pov-
I walked back inside the house with the water gun only to see Ty running down the stairs with Elise in his arms. She was blacked out completly and was laid so limply she could have been dead apart from the fact she was breathing.
"What happened!?" I gasped as I rushed over to him. He stood there just staring at me with Elise in his arms before tears came from his eyes.
"I was just in the bathroom and then I hear a thud and see Elise laying on the floor!" He yelled panicking. I turned around and saw Mitch on his way in. Mitch spotted us and ran over to us before running back outside and bringing all the others in.
"What happened to her?" Adam asked as if he was trying to gasp the fact that his sister was blacked out.
Ty told them all what happened and how she was setting up the Xbox and then we all rushed to Quentin's car after grabbing our clothes and putting them on.
They laid her on a stretcher and wheeled her away quickly while we all sat in the waiting room. Ty had his head in his hands and was muttering stuff under his breath. Poor Ty.
After about 1 hour a doctor came out to us and brought us into the room she was in. She looked so pale and so dead. In fact she could probably pass as a dead person right now.
"First off my name is Doctor Kaylen I have been transferred here and I've seen you all a few times back in the old hospital. I have some good news and some bad news" He said taking his pen out of his pocket and writing something down on his clip board. No one spoke so I decided to.
"What's the good news?" I managed to get out. Doctor Kaylen smiled softly at me and then looked back at Elise who no one dared to touch yet.
"She's Alive" He simply said. I nodded and so did Adam. I looked over to see Ty just looking at her.
"And... The bad news?" I said softly. Doctor kaylen looked really upset about this news, it must have been something bad like maybe she only has a day to live or...
"She's in a Coma" He said sadly and then walked out of the room. Adam broke down crying and Ty rushed over to her side and grabbed one of her cold hands and just looked at her.
"A... a coma" Tyler choked out. He was in shock aswell, well wouldn't you be if one of you best friends was in a coma? I pulled out my Vlogging camera that was in my bag that I grabbed before we left for the hospital and turned it to face me and Ty since I was sitting next to him.
"Hey Endies. Ender_Lillie here with some quite sad news" I started off not showing them Elise. Ty nodded and then Adam came and took the camera from me and held it so they could see us better.
"So, today we were having a BBQ at the team crafted house along with August and Emily, when Ty and Elise went upstairs because we squirted them with water guns" I said. I elbowed Ty and he looked back up and the camera and then smiled softly.
"And Elise started up her Xbox 360 with the Minecraft 'Red' version and then collapsed. We took her here and now she's... shes in a..." He broke off crying. Adam turned around the camera to face Elise who was laying on the bed still.
"She's in a Coma" Adam finished keeping the camera on her.
"We don't know how or why so sorry for the lack of uploads that is to come... this video will be up on everyone's channels including Elise's so everyone #PrayforElise. I'm Ender_Lillie and I'll see you all later Endies!" I signed off and Adam stopped the camera and rested it on the bed.
Everyone left the room apart from me and Ty to give us space to talk to Elise, we were doing it in twos.
"Hey Elise. It's me Lillie and Ty's here with me. We're all waiting for you to wake up ok? You need to wake up for us soon ok? Ok" I said to her while moving a loose strand of hair to behind her ear.
"Hey baby Gurl. Ty here and I need you to try and wake up for me. Elise I love you so so much and you don't know how much it's killing me to see you like this. I love you" Ty finished and then lent down and kissed her. He got up sadly and left the room, I followed behind him and then Mitch and Emily went in together. I sat down next to Tyler and started to cry.
"It's all my fault. If I didn't squirt them with the water guns then they wouldn't have gone upstairs and Elise wouldn't have collapsed maybe" I managed to get out. August came over to me with some tissue and handed it to me. I wiped my eyes and was for once great full for wearing water proof mascara. She hugged me and I hugged her back, the light catching on my ring causing it to glisten around the hallway.
Elise was meant to be the maid of honour, I'm not so sure that will happen now.
Emily ran out of the room in tears and ran down the hallway. I excused myself and ran after her. I grabbed her arm and forced her to look at me.
"What's wrong with you?" I hissed at her. She looked startled and then she wiped one of her tears away.
"She looks dead Lillie! How do you expect me to not be crying. My best friend looks Fucking Dead!" She yelled at me harshly. She turned around and walked off again leaving me standing there.
Emily was never harsh, to any of us. Elise being in a coma hit her hard I guess... Who wouldn't it hit hard?
I shook my head and walked back to the others and watched as Mitch came out of the room and Adam and Jerome went in.
"And they say she's in the class A Team
Stuck in her day dream
Been this way since 18
But lately
Her face seems slowly sinking wasting
Crumbling and pasting
And they sing
The worst things come from the two of us" I couldn't continue the song, tears where flowing from my eyes. Tyler engulfed me in hug and all I did was sit there and cry. At all times she could have gone into a coma why now? Why exactly a month before the wedding? Why did she even go into the coma in the first place?
We all sat there and waited for awhile untill it was time to go home. Emily still hadn't come back so she probably went back to the house. Doctor Kaylen let 3 people stay with her and Adam had to choose them.
"Me cause I'm her brother, Ty because he's her boyfriend and umm... You guys choose who else I don't know. I mean it would probably be one of the girls but yeah" Adam said trailing off. I didn't mind if I didn't stay, to be honest I wouldn't be much of a help I'd probably go off in such a rage at the state she's in I'd probably get us all kicked out. I'm not sure I can go back in there and handle seeing her like that. Emily obviously couldn't stay as she wasn't here I don't think, Mitch couldn't because he needed to go and calm down Emily. Anyone else I think was fine... I think.
"Yasmin" Everyone said at once and Jason shoved her forward before going back next to August. How could he? How can he do that knowing what he said to Elise? The girl couldn't think straight for days after that! I'm going to kick his little....
"Lillie!" Tyler yelled in my face. I looked up at him and saw I was clenching my fists and staring angrily at the wall.
"Yes?" I said whilst calming myself down. Tyler just shook his head and caught me glaring at Jason. He knew what I was thinking and I'm pretty sure Mitch did aswell.
"Ok come on lets go guys. Yasmin can I stay at yours?" Alessa said while trying to push us all out of the hallway. Yasmin nodded and we all left.
The first thing everyone did when we got home was upload that video on youtube, I done it for Elise. Mitch done it for Adam and Ty, before going to find Emily who was crying in their room. I was shocked. Why does everything hate us? Why was Elise like she was? Why Elise?
Why a Coma?

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