Chapter 19- Free

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Elise's Pov-
Would you go as far as you could go to get home? That's what I would do.
Even if the only way to ever see my family and friends again was to be continuously shocked, I would do it. But I'm going home soon, I just hope Herobrine can charge up as quickly as he can.
But do I really want to leave them all behind? It means leaving one of the most amazing friends I've ever had, with no hopes of seeing him again because he's ingame. He can't leave with us. It means leaving this whole adventure behind me... But I'd do it, to get home to my family, my friends, Ty.
"Elise you okay there? You seem deep in thought" Stampy said sitting down next to me and placing his hand on my shoulder.
And then there was Stampy, the cake loving ginger fur ball. Even though there was skype to keep in contact, I was going to miss him. I mean try living a two months with one person and then being seperated, but if it means we can go home, we'd do anything. I might just have to make a trip to England sometime.
"Yeah I'm fine I guess. Just thinking about home" I sighed. There was a few questions running through my mind, questions about what had happened whilst I was stuck in this game.
Did Ty move on from me? Probably not, I mean if I know Ty, he wouldn't leave me at my weakest.
Were Emily and Mitch still together? I hope they were, one of the cutest couples out there I think.
Was Adam still dating Alesa? I don't know.
Had Lillie and Tyler got married yet? I'm really not sure. I don't think its September yet, right?
How are Icee and Canadian? Still cute and fluffy I hope.
"Are you sure your okay Elise?" Stampy asked me again. The level of understanding he had was no where near any of the others back at home but it made me happy that there was someone I could talk to, that could try to comfort me in some sense.
"Nothing's okay Stampy. Nothing ever is! Just a year ago I was living in an orphanage getting abused by one guy called Mike, I was petrified to tell anyone so I let him do it. I had one friend called Mikayla and I haven't spoken to her since the day I left. A week after christmas my crush got into a car crash and died before coming back to life after I told him my feelings, turns out he felt the same. At the same time one of my newer friends I made that day started going out with my best friend for a while and we made a Vlog about our relationships. The hate thrown onto the table was unbelievable but it died down eventually.
I wasn't able to sleep at night, not with out recieving the vicous blood filled nightmares that made my whole body shake when I got them. Then I had one really bad nightmare and that led to me worrying and running away from home to a park far away and having a mental break down that could have killed me. I've been strangled and stopped breathing, I've nearly drowned, I've falling out of a 3rd story window and I've survived it all, against the odds. I can hardly call all that fate, because my fate is not to be stuck in some Stupid Xbox game that I wish I had never gotten!" I yelled sobbing and breaking down as Stampy's arms wrapped around me and pulled me into a hug.
"It's going to be o..." Stampy started. I pulled away from his hug and yelled at him.
"How can you say it's going to be okay Stampy?! You just don't get it! Do you? I'm always going to have this crippling fear that everyone will leave me and I'm never going to accomplish anything in life! You don't understand that Herobrine never will actually be able to get us out of this game! Its false hope Stampy! We are living on False Hope. and slowly everything we've ever known won't matter as we fall deeper into the dark pit of despair!" I screamed. Stampy backed up on the bed a bit and I continued yelling.
"False hope solves nothing! All it does is build you up only to knock you straight back down. In fact it doesn't build anything, but it can destroy everything you ever had with one little slip of the tongue. Holding onto this anger is useless, just like me. Holding onto Anger is like drinking poisen and expecting someone else to die Stampy. Even the most nicest people have their limits Stampy and I've reached mine! All you have to do its just give me one more reason and I'd probably end up throwing myself off the top of this floating castle, give me a good enough reason and I would... and I mean it."
"Elise calm down..."
"Don't you dare tell me to calm down! I've had it up to here" I gestured to my head "with people telling me to calm down, TRY LIVING MY LIFE THEN YOU WILL KNOW HOW I FEEL! I... Just... wanna... go... home... Stamps" I sobbed falling to the floor and crying my heart out. A sharp pain travelled through my body and as I looked over to Stampy, tears flowing down my cheeks, I could tell he felt it aswell.
"I miss Ty and the others... I just... want... To be able to lay down... next to Ty... to hear his voice... to have his lips on mine... I just love him so god damn much I miss him" My sobs racked through my body causing me to breath I sharply.
It was the type of sobbing that was the worst kind. It's when your lips start to shake and tears build up quickly and fall fast. You're bent over or crouched to try and suck it in and not make any noise but it hurts too much to hold it in so you let out a yelp and a cry then comes the loss of breath that sucks because not only are you crying out loud, you think you sound dumb for not breathing soon.
"Eli, you've just been strong for to long" Stampy tryed to comfort, crouching down infront of me.
"How have I been strong? I've been an emotional wreck since I've been here" I said softly, calmed down now.
"Sometimes the strongest amoung us are the ones who smile through silent pain, cry behind closed doors, and fight battles nobody knows about" A voice whispered from the distance.
My head whipped around to figure out who said it but I couldn't. There was only me and Stampy in the room so who said it?
The doors swung open and in ran an over joyed Herobrine.
"I've done it!" He yelled hugging us both in his arms as we stood up, nearly knocking us all over.
"Done what?" I questioned calmly. Herobrine looked at us confused and then smiled.
"Did you feel that surging pain earlier?" He interrogated. Me and Stampy looked at eachother and both nodded our heads.
"Yes why?" Stampy asked.
"I've done it that's why!" Herobrine laughed. Whatever he had done, he sure seemed ecstatic about it.
"What have you done Hero?" I asked laughing a slight bit. Herobrine stopped in his tracks and looked at me before coming over and whispering something in my ear.
"Your going home in about 5 minutes" He whispered and backed away, leaving me with a massive smile on my face. I let out a squeal and ran to Stampy and hugged him before I started to jump.
"We're going home Stampy! Me, you and Squid are all going home in about 5 minutes!" I yelled laughing.
"She will trust me" a voice echoed through the room. I turned around and I seemed to be the only person who heard it again.
I walked over to Stampy again more calmly now and said my goodbyes to him since we had about 4 minutes now.
"Goodbye Stamps, Tweet me okay as soon as you can so I can give you my Skype. Say hi to Squid for me okay Kitty cat?" I said hugging him. He had been like an older more calmer brother to me In game... but I'd never replace Adam.
"Okay Bye Elise" He said before turning to say goodbye to Ender and Wither. I said goodbye to them aswell and then Stampy dropped to the floor, before slowly fading away untill there was no sign he was ever here.
"Goodbye Herobrine, I'm going to mis you!" I said softly hugging him. He laughed and looked me in the eye.
"I'm always going to be here if you need me. I'll always be in your world on the PC" Herobrine said.
"How is that possible?" I questioned.
"Everything's possible, you just have to try hard enough" Herobrine said as my vision became blurry and black started to edge in.
"Bye Hero" I muttered.
"Bye Elise" I heard him reply as I crashed to the floor, completly unconsious again. I was...
Adam's Pov- (earlier on when ^that was happening)
We decided to go and vist Elise today, all of us. Yasmin was probably busy since we hadn't seen her since yesterday. This would be the first time Bash, Eponine, Preston and the others would see her... even if she was in a coma.
We sat outside her room before the nurses could let us all in. We walked in to see Ty was already sitting in there asleep. He had stayed here constantly by her side since the other day, I don't know why but he insisted.
Walking over to him, I tapped him on the shoulder and he jumped awake, startled.
"Huh? oh hey Adam and others" He said sleepily. I laughed slightly as he woke up properly.
"Ty go home and take a shower or something, We'll stay here with Elise" Emily said from the other side of the room.
"But..." Ty started to protest but eventually gave up when he saw that I wasn't going to let this go. "Fine"
Emily tossed him the keys to the house and Ty caught them before walking out and closing the door behind him.
"She's so strong" Eponine said, sitting on the side of the bed by Elise's legs.
"Sometimes the strongest amoung us are the ones who smile through silent pain, cry behind closed doors, and fight battles nobody knows about" Lillie said sitting on the floor next to Tyler and Emily, Lillie had also been strong for too long but she had her break down when Elise first went into the coma. She's been fine since then, all house finding issues behind diverted to after the wedding, untill then they were staying with us in the Team Crafted house.
A thought rang through my head and I couldn't help but ask it. "What if she doesn't wake up?"
"She will trust me, I haven't met her in real life before but from what I've heard, she's a tough cactus" Preston said placing his hand on my shoulder. I nodded and eventually they all left the room to get food apart from me, Lillie, Tyler, Emily and Mitch.
After about another hour, Lillie, Tyler, Em and Mitch left to go find the others and get food aswell, leaving just me and Elise in the room.
"Your never going to wake up are you?" I sobbed resting my head on the edge of the hospital bed and crying.
Something or someone wrapped their arms around me and started patting my back.
I looked up confused, not having heard the door open, only to look into those Emerald Green eyes that everyone had missed. I had to pinch myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming.
"E-Elise?" I asked quietly.
"Sup bro" She replyed smiling. I sat up properly and then threw myself at her, hugging her tightly.
"Elise I've missed you sis" I muttered as she hugged me back laughing slightly.
"I've missed you too Adam" She said laughing slightly, tears starting to run down her face.
"I-I" I was lost for words so I just screamed in happyness.
Emily, Mitch and the others came in at that moment and looked at me confusedly. Then I realised, that from the position in which I was sitting, they couldn't see the now awake Elise. I got up slowly and they all just stared at her in shock.
"Hey take a picture, It'll last longer" She said tears streaming down her face. Everyone rushed over to her and I walked out to go get a nurse.
I found one in the hallway and told her.
"Umm so basically my sister Elise Dahlburg has just woken up from her coma in the ICU" I said awkwardly scratching the back of my neck.
The nurses face lit up and she smiled. "Really?" She gasped. I nodded and she nodded aswell before running off to get a doctor.
"Awkward" I said to myself and walked back into the room.
"Hey Adam!" Bash called. I turned to look at him properly and he laughed.
"Well basically we all had a good idea for a prank on Ty but Elise said no. She said that if you say yes then she'll have to do it" Bash laughed. Elise folded her arms and frowned at Bash before playfully sticking her tongue out at him.
He did it back and turned to look at me again. "So they idea was that, we all go home, hiding Elise behind us and then tell Ty that Elise wasn't in the hospital anymore, if he asks where she is we tell him she isn't anywhere let him come to his own conclusions and have Elise come up behind him and scare him" Bashur said laughing his very iconic laugh.
"Okay yeah sure whatever I don't mind" I said laughing.
"Adam that made no sense" Elise laughed. It was comforting to see and hear her laughing, it was reminder that the painful silence that filled her hospital room wouldn't happen again if she's around.
The doctor walked in and Elise waved at him.
"Hi doc" She laughed making the doctor go wide eyed.
"Oh hello Elise, it seems like your all fit to go home. Good thing your able to home" The doctor laughed, slightly startled.
"Really!?" Elise asked her whole face lighting up at the prospect of going home.
"Yes, in fact you can go right now" The doctor said unhooking all the machines from Elise and leaving the room after saying bye.
"Well Elise ready to go home?" I asked her as we walked next to eachother to the car.
"And see Ty?" She questioned laughing slightly. I could tell by the look on her face when she said his name, she was looking forward to seeing him again and she had missed him greatly.
"And see Ty" I confirmed as Mitch got in the drivers seat of the car we got in.
"Hell yeah" She yelled, giggling.
It was nice to have my sister back, even better that she was finally Free.

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