Chapter 31- Shattered eyes

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Elise's Pov-

Everyone looked at eachother as the news sank in. I looked at Ty and he looked back at me. How the heck was we meant to tell Yaz this when we were allowed to? Because I sure as hell don't know.

"You can go and see her" The nurse reminded us. "But only 3 at a time for now." She smiled sadly at us and walked off.

"What the hell are we supposed to do now? She just left us here and walked off!" Ty snapped as he looked at me.

My eyes widened. Ty wasn't like this... He never snaps at anyone... I guess this effects us all.

I don't know if it was my eyes reflecting how startled I was or the fact that everyone was now looking at him, but his face softened and his eyes locked with mine.

"I'll be here right beside you" I smiled. Ty wrapped his arm around me and took my hand in his.

"Thanks" He replyed. I smiled softly and laid my head on his shoulder.

I looked up into his deep brown eyes and found myself getting lost in them, like his eyes was an endless maze.

We leaned in untill our foreheads were touching. "You're eyes are twinkling again" Ty said a hint of amusement hiden in his voice.

"It's because I'm with you" I replyed kissing him softly.

"Hate to break you lovebirds up" A voice said. We sprang apart and laughed at each other's reaction. "But the first 3 are going in now, Elise want to come with me and Lillie?" Emily asked smirking slightly.

"Uhh... Umm" I stuttered looking at Ty.

"Go. You can be by my side any time, for now you need to be by Yasmin's" Ty said pushing me up out of my seat.

"Someone's eager to get rid of me" I laughed.

"Nah Love you" Ty called as I started to walk of.

"Love you too!" I yelled back.

Emily and Lillie burst out laughing at me. I turned my head to look at them and raised my eyebrows at the pair. "What?" I asked.

"You sound like a married couple" Lillie breathed.

"Says the girl who's getting married in a matter of one month and a bit" I retorted. Lillie shot me a look and I just bit my lip as I smiled at her.

"We're here" Emily said stopping suddenly. I sighed and placed my hand on the doorknob and pushed open the door.

We walked into the room and my mouth dropped open.

A million and one machines was hooked up to her. Her pale body lying against the white hospital bed. A bandage that was stained slightly with blood showed through.

"Biggums" Yasmin said straining to sit up. I let out a small laugh at the endearment.

"Hey there Yazzy" I replyed smiling at her as we walked closer to the bed.

"Sit down" Yaz said pointing to the chairs that surrounded the massive room.

"Ok. Yasmin, You love Bash right?" Lillie said looking at her directly.

"Of course she does Lillie!" Emily laughed.

"Yeah I do but how do you know that?" Yaz laughed weakly.

"Bash heard you tell him before you passed out in ambulance" I answered.

"Oh... Yeah I do"


Hours passed as everyone was eventually allowed into the room. We all sat around in random places in the room playing games like 'I spy' and 'What If?', when the nurse from before walked in.

She nodded at me discreetly and I sighed as she walked out again.

"Is it time?" Bashur whispered to me. I nodded my head and spoke up.

"Yaz. I have something to tell you... We have something to tell you" I said correcting myself.

"Hit me with it" Yaz smiled, happyness shining in her eyes.

"Your mum and dad... They were killed in a robbery gone wrong two days ago" I blurted out.

Yasmin's smile slid right off her face. Tears growing in her eyes.

"Where's chloe?" She demanded. Despite the news of her parents death, her love and concern of her younger sister was astonishing.

"That's the thing... Chloe's missing" Basher continued.

Yasmin burst out crying and everybody's attempts at calming her down failed, even Bashur's attempt.

"I think its time you all leave now" A nurse said as she stepping into the room. We all nodded and started to pile out of the room. I was the last one to remain.

"Bai yaz. Stay Strong Biggums" I said and left the room.

I caught up with the others and slipped my hand into Ty's and we walked.

"You dealt with that so well" Ty complimented.

"Thanks" I said.

"Elise, are you okay?" He questioned.

"I'm fine" I muttered the dreaded two word answer- I wasn't fine more like.

Ty nodded his head slowly as if he didn't believe me.

The rest of the journey was in mostly silence, with the excepting of the odd sigh from here and there.

We drove back to Adam's old house, he never sold it in case we ever needed it again.

All our furniture was there, the basics I mean. A couch, Fridge, TV and beds that's about it.

"Lets watch a movie" Adam suggested. We all agreed and sat down on the two couchs.

The memories we had in this house was unbelievable. Adam put in the film Finding Nemo.

I groaned and put my head in my hands. "Adam we've seen this film so many times in the last month!" I whined.

"Hush child" Mitch said putting his finger over my mouth as I opened it to protest.

I glared playfully at him and cuddled up to Ty.

Halfway through the movie and I was just about to fall asleep when the my phone started ringing.

I went over to my phone and put it on loud speaker. "Hello you've reached Elise's phone" I said into it.

"Hello Elise, It's the hospital" A woman said in reply.

"Oh hi there! What's up" I chirped.

"I regret to inform you of this, but your friend Yasmin passed away 10 minutes ago. I'm sorry for your lose" The phone line went dead and I looked at them as the words repeated in my head.

'I regret to inform you of this, but your friend Yasmin passed away 10 minutes ago.'

And the last thing I saw was her shattered eyes.

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