Chapter 20- Reunited

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Elise's Pov-

I watched silently as we pulled up at the house. Inside my heart was about to burst with the thought of seeing Ty again... but I had to stay calm, couldn't let the inner crazy out... not yet.

Adam opened the door and I got out after him. They all pushed me to the back of the group, Adam, Mitch and Emily at the front. Emily started fan crying along with Lillie and Mitch unlocked the door and we all walked into the living room, me still being hidden by them all.

Ty sat there staring at the wall a few tears running down his cheeks. It took all my strength to not just run to him and just kiss him. He turned around and saw them all standing there... he didn't see me, obviously.

"Oh hey guys" He said sadly, it broke my heart having to listent to him sound so depressed. I think Tyler got the hint that I was about to run and he put his arm around me to keep me still.

"Hey Ty" Adam said in the same tone.

"Why is Em and Lillie crying?" Ty asked. This is where it all started to come into play.

"Well, we were with Elise in the hospital" Mitch started only to be cut off by Ty.

"What about Elise?" He questioned.

"Well... Ty, Elise Isn't in the hospital anymore" Bashur said.

"Well where is she then?" Ty said cheering up.

"Well that's the thing Ty... She's not anywhere..." Mitch trailed off.

Ty looked down, deep in thought and then he stood up as it hit him. He started sobbing into his hands and it just killed me to see.

Everyone parted so I could walk to the front of the group as Ty had his head in his hands. I stood there infront of the group and then started to talk before I started crying.

"It's because I'm here" I got out. Ty looked up and saw me standing there. He stopped crying and stared at me before holding out his arms.

I ran into them and our lips connected. It was like nothing else mattered as we stood there, the pure bliss we both were feeling as we kissed was unbelievable. As we ran out of air we pulled away and just rested our heads against the other and looked into eachothers eyes.

Bashur started clapping and eventually the whole room was cheering for us and I started giggling, not breaking eye contact.

"You don't know how much I've missed you Elise" Ty whispered as he hugged me tight. I couldn't blame him for not wanting to let go of me, I didn't want him to let go either.

"I can only imagine" I replyed hugging him back with the same amount of force.

Slowly the whole room dispersed as we stood there hugging, neither of us wanting to break away and ruin the moment.

"I've missed you Ty" I said looking up into his brown eyes. He stared down into mine and instead of speaking he lent down and kissed me... Of course I didn't mind.

"I love you Elise, never leave me" He said after we broke away. I nodded my head and rested it on his shoulder as he picked me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist and he walked to the couch, where he sat down with me on his lap.

Ty told me the stories of what had happened whilst I was in my coma. He told me how Lillie had her break down, how Emily wouldn't talk to anyone for a week, how the tv in our room came to live a few times, how much he missed me, how Adam feared I wasn't going to wake up, and how Jerome had caught Em and Mitch kissing and tweeted it.

I was handed my phone by Ty and instantly went onto Twitter. I came to Jerome's page and eventually found the tweet and frowned playfully at what he had written.

I got up off Tys lap and he pouted, Dragging him by the hand, I led him into the kitchen where I proceeded to tackle Jerome to the kitchen floor. I sat on his back with a smug look on my face and everyone burst out laughing.

"Knew it" Mitch laughed and Ian handed him $5.

"You guys seriously made a bet on what I was going to do once I read Jerome's tweet?" I questioned, narrowing my eyes at one of my two Canadian best friends.

"Mitch pay up" Tyler said holding out his hand to him. Mitch placed the money Ian had given him and looked at me.

"Yeah..." he trailed off.

"And then you made another bet with Tyler, betting that I would ask if you seriously made a bet about me tackling Jerome" I confirmed laughing along with everyone.

God, it was good to back and reunited.

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